Alright, here I am, finally got the head off and looked things over.
The cylinders are measuring within acceptable ranges on service limit tolerances, but I can only measure to the piston tops, so I'm making an assumption that the bottom half should be good. I measured all of them, then did it a second time for validation and checked the dial bore gauge between measuring each cylinder.
But here's where I'd appreciate input. Visually, cylinder 1 has a lot of discoloring and/or staining of some sort. To me, it looks like from something that sat for years without moving, but I'm also wondering if it could be from the overheat incident. Remember, I'm not the one who melted it down, I bought it this way so details are scant. What I know is, it overheated and he drove it about 10 miles piping hot, then parked in in the work parking lot where it sat for a few months. I'm wondering if water was in Cylinder 1 when he parked it and it caused that discoloring? It doesn't look blue, it just looks like a dark stain, but it's hard to tell for certain. Opinions would really be appreciated. You can also see what looks like visible scoring in some places, I tried to take the most unflattering pictures I could using the light. You can't feel any of it except above the ring ridge where it's a little rough, which I write off as pretty normal. Also to note: the #1 cylinder (the discolored one) was washed clean in the exhaust port and header, so for sure it was pumping water through there during combustion. the other three looked pretty normal other than maybe a little rich in cylinder 4.
Measurements (top half of cylinders only, it's all I can do without pulling the pistons):
Target OD- 3.781" +- .0014
taper (service limit) max .010"
OOR (service limit) max .005"
1 - 3.7805
taper - .0005
OOR - .001
2 - 3.781
taper - .000
OOR - .001
3 - 3.780
taper - .0005
OOR - .002 (90 degrees off wrist pin axis)
4 - 3.7810
taper - .0000
OOR - .001
Cylinder 1. Note the discoloring (none of it is detectable by feel or with dial bore gauge):
Cylinder 2:
Cylinder 3:
Cylinder 4:
Anyway, what's your guys take on what you see?