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help needed

  1. 2.3L ('83-'97) Won’t fire on 2 plugs

    Hey y’all, I’ve recently started working on my brothers 94 ranger with the 2.3L. I’m having trouble getting it fired up. It had been sitting since 2017 after he passed and it ran when parked. I have replaced the fuel pump and exhaust side coil pack (previously wasn’t getting fire to plugs). I...
  2. 2.5L ('98-'01) 10 miles per gallon?

    so i have a 1998 Mazda b2500 and every time i get gas i reset the trip meter and i have to fill up again at around 170ish miles. my math comes out to 10.5 miles per gallon. the downstream oxygen sensor was reading the same as the upstream. so i replaced the downstream and it was reading the same...
  3. accelerating after letting off the gas pedal

    I have a 97 2.3 ranger, was having some problems that ended up being the MAF, truck is now running pretty good again. But I still have the problem with it accelerating after I let off the gas for 4 or 5 seconds. I don't think it's the throttle sticking because it seems to only do it if I'm...
  4. 2.3L ('83-'97) rought idle for the first few seconds after starting, goes away after a minute or so.

    I have a 97 2.3 ranger with 179,240 miles, has been a great and strong running truck but recently started bumbling around while shifting and when you first start it in the morning it sounds really rough, can even kind of hear it rhh rhh rhh up and down in idle and after about a minute it goes...
  5. Buying a Bronco 2 for my dad and need advice

    Hi there, I am a 21 year old college student looking to buy a project car for my dad and I to work on while I complete school. He is extremely knowledgeable about cars and engines, much more than I am, and I want to buy this bronco I found online as a suprise. However it seems possibly to cheap...
  6. How low of gears should I be swapping my axle out for?

    I have a 1992 Ranger (4cyl , 2wd) and I just put 32” tires on it. I am wondering is the 4.56s were overkill or would the 4.10s work just as well for my truck. I am just unsure due to my small engine size.
  7. Sand or Gravel Noise When Accelerating

    New here, not sure if this is where it belongs Just bought a 2011 4.0 4x4 with 133k miles. Drove real great initially but wanted to change the oil with 5W30 and transmission filter/fluid just to keep on top of it myself. Dropped the tranny pan the magnet looked like a caterpillar with metal...
  8. Help fixing my ford ranger

    It’s my sisters ranger and to be honest I am a novice to these terms. It is a 1998 ford ranger 3.0 auto, and at the moment it is sitting. Her husband is trying to fix it but to no avail. Here are I guess what they did and some lingering symptoms and thoughts. They replaced the radiator and the...
  9. CrashDriver

    2.9 MPG Loss After Engine Removal

    So I had to pull the 2.9 out of my 1988 ranger recently due to a hole in the oil pan (engine mount bracket somehow came loose, a rock got between the cradle and the pan, and then while offroading proceeded to punch a hole through the pan). I reinstalled the engine, and noticed that now when...
  10. OX644

    Cam gear bolts, crank bolt 4.0 OHV 1992

    Im rebuilding a 4.0 OHV and can't find any cam gear bolts or a new crank bolt for the engine. Do you guys know where I can find them? Rockauto, ebay, amazon Iv'e tried. If not, then red loctite on the cam bolts and blue on the top of the crank bolt(near the bolthead)? I tighten the crank...
  11. guy5979

    HELP 85 2.8 V6 ranger pushrod wont seat

    85 2.8 V6 ranger pushrod wont seat i removed the valve cover to replace valve steam seals and found a pushrod (not bent) bouncing around and it wont seat it ran fine before except for the smokey exhaust
  12. In desperate need of help!!!

    I have a 88 ranger 2.9 engine in my 84 bronco ii. it has a horrible idle loop that kills it almost immediately at stop light when warm. Ive replaced the map sensor (multiple times), the ECU, distributor, egr sensor, and most of the wiring under the hood. when the map sensor is unplugged all my...
  13. Adrianm1821

    1993 Ford Ranger Cranks but does not start

    Hey guys new here and pretty new to the car scene as well i bought a 1993 Ford Ranger XLT 3.0L v6 automatic with 140,000 miles a few days ago and it was turning on and driving pretty well when this morning it didnt turn on. I tried my best and looked up posts and videos and this is what i have...
  14. 2.3L ('02-'11) 2003 ford ranger battery keeps draining

    I’ve been having an issue where my truck dies over night. Went got the battery charged then I went and got it tested the battery alternator ect were all good. car battery drainage issue didn’t stop, and I’ve made some progress. I went around my truck, checking for anything, that could be...
  15. WackoRanger

    O2 Sensor Issue!!

    Hello, Shortly after I fixed the same 1997 Ford Ranger 3.0l Engine, the same problem came back after I replaced the PCM. For about 3 days I was able to run the truck completely normally and reliably. When I got in the truck to head home after work last night, it started having the same issue...
  16. 2.3L ('02-'11) 2001-2003 Ranger/B2300 Dealer support ended Need help Finding Grommet!!! URGENT

    Apparently the 2001 to 2003, 2.3 engine is no longer supported by either Mazda or Ford. One can no longer purchase intake manifold and many other parts. If you have part numbers the visuals are disappearing from sites. Not to mention that Ford and Mazda seem to be deleting part numbers from...
  17. Biggie

    Grinding/Screeching noise when shifting into 3rd Gear (I'm assuming). What's the Diagnosis?

    As the video shows, when I accelerate fast and hit 3rd gear, there is a high-pitched grinding, before the noise stops after a few seconds. I've never worked with transmissions much, especially automatics, so any help would be much appreciated.
  18. 1993 Vacuum diagram 4.0 ohv v6

    I am in desperate need of a diagram that a dummy can read. I have a 1993 Ford Ranger 2door extended cab xlt 4.0l v6 5 speed manual. I have replaced the engine with a long block from Jegs and I think I have the vacuum lines corret but it does not always run good. I cant get the 900 RPM to stay...
  19. 2.3L ('83-'97) 95 Ranger Starts Then Stalls

    My name is cody. i have a 95 ford ranger 2.3 4cyl manual ranger. recently it has sat for 2 months to get my exhaust straight piped and to delete egr and dpfe. upon putting everything back together the ranger will not keep running, new fuel pump, pressure reg, and filter. new coil packs plugs and...
  20. HELP!!! Cant get the Engine Separated from the Trans......

    Hello, I have a 1994 Ford Ranger, 4.0L OHV, Automatic, 4WD, Vin code X Truck recently overheated, Coolant problems (all gummed up) Barely runs, blows white smoke cloud, Milky Oil. Def, blown head gasket, or warped Manifold, worse case cracked block. Anyway, decided to replace Motor. I already...

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