As a younger guy into cars/mechanics, Scotty to me is the epitome of "too long in the trade Mechanics." Boomer Mechanics. I know we've got some folks on here from that generation, so I don't want to make them in particular feel bad, this mindset isn't limited just to them, but it's how I've always heard it referred to and where I've seen it the most.
It's always been frustrating for me, because they'll insist, and get genuinely angry if you disagree with their random point of view.
So much of the advice and opinion given by these folks is either just plain wrong, or based on a weird set of rumours and traditions.
I used to work with a guy who spent 10+ years working in parts salvage at a scrap yard. He truly believed "You should never ever have to replace a clutch as long you drive the car right. They can last as long as the whole car if you drive it right."
I argued with him for maybe 10 minutes trying to explain that no, clutches do wear, and they do get old. They need to be replaced after about 100 000 Kms.
We finally googled service intervals for my Kia Rio, sure enough. Clutch replacement at 100 000KMs.
I strike through the offensive section, but left it in place so folks know what I'm apologizing for.