Well Michigan charges 17.7% Tax per gallon on gasoline, average $.42/gallon
So $8.40 on a 20gal fill up
For every car in Michigan every time they fill up, that's some good money
That money will NEED TO BE recouped in some manner if enough people switch to electric vehicles, the State will not just say "Oh well", lol
Currently when you register an electric vehicle in Michigan you pay an extra $100 over base registration fee
So tax equivalent to about 12 Fill ups on gasoline(20gal)
Michigan taxes residential electricity at 4%
Average home electrical cost in Michigan is $100/month
So about $4 a month in tax, about 10gal gasoline tax per month 6 more fill ups
So current taxes on electric vehicle is same as 18 fill ups a year, or 360gal of gas, @ 25MPG = 9,000 miles
I would expect electric bill to go up with home charger
And there will most likely be a higher tax rate at fast chargers since Michigan is offering rebates on cost to install these in public areas
So at this time if you drive locally more than 9,000 miles, you would be avoiding some tax
Didn't count the avoided tax on oil, coolant or other fluids