Politics has too many whack jobs in it period, both parties, all three branches, and the bureaucracy. You may think certain people are too whack to be in power, but consider the alternatives that their constituents had to pick from. I know that some of my states elected officials can be put there, but in some cases the people they were running against would have been worse. Granted, in other cases the jurisdiction was so deeply seated in a certain color, their candidate could have literally committed murder on live national television and still won.
I do have to ask are you verifying the sources of these actions and sound bytes? It is not uncommon at all for the media to take bites out of context and ascribe meaning where there is none. They are masters of projection, grasping at straws to accuse their political opposition of doing something, while ignoring that their candidates/representatives are actually doing it.
What's really sad is that I can talk about the media like that. News stations and anchors have always had bias, but in the past they reported on facts and let the viewer reach their own conclusions from that. Now they can't report on anything without injection opinion, creating a spin, or telling you what to think.