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- A legend to the old man, a hero to the child...
Im not going to say much to this except i agree.
i remember watching that thinking....sure whatever when i was 13 or so.
divide and concur.
this is my fault the state of my country.... tolerance is a vorpal weapon.
20 years ago .....one of the times I was picking my youngest of four daughters up from school.... peta was there telling our children about the evils of fishing. there was a cute little coloring book with a dad looking like a raging hitler wearing a fishing hat loaded with weapons of mass worm and poor baby minnow destruction.... about to stab a terrified worm with a hook as the first images..... this was all the way downriver Detroit in Gibralter MI....and to say the least...a fishing community. one of our friends at the time a bit more then 10 years my senior....a rotary and board member and very well to do super mom... immediately located and went to town on the principal and teachers. this led to other discoveries. heather has two mommies and king and king being my favorite standouts.
now my elder children went to private school before we moved back home to detroit....and there was no way my sorry captain GED ass was going to be able to afford that education back down in the city....especially for 4 children.... but where we were had the best of the public education around so i took the practical cowardly way out to live with it..
after these battles....and we had no intention of ever having any more children as our eldest was already in high school....i was really wondering if i could let Zoie stay in a public school.....things were getting bad. no reason to teach 5 year olds shit like this.
i knew and wheeled with people in california that were developing what would be common core years later... they kept me informed of the coming changes in education so i was concerned, just not applying the fallout of that knowledge because i am far too busy being a waste of life idiot slaving away.
then...SURPRISE!!! somehow my wife was mysteriously with child once again. which turned out to be young Bob whom is now 18 and graduated. and compared to the first 4... a fawking gremlin.
at that time 2001-2005 i was seriously studying venezuala and hugo chavez and also coincidently in the american political sphere certain people were coming to the scene with mirrored talking points....in some cases word for word.
at night i would watch c span(which drove my wife nuts) and there were some sessions on that i would listen to(real political victims) the venezualens testifying... crying.... telling us to just live with the hanging chads while forum surfing here at TRS and the defunct RRORC.. they were saying.....begging .....dont do what Hugo was doing. they knew how it worked....not good. this was 01-05 era mind you.
i told my wife that the new baby (literally the first thing after pregnancy confirmation) was not to set a foot in a public school until he or she was old enough to defend rational thinking...true critical thinking so that when the time came that they THE know betters....the know whats best for YOU....the ones at peta and pushing king and king and heather has two mommies would want to put litter boxes in public school bathrooms....that my children would not vote for that.
DEI was right there in my face....and should have been ruthlessly stomped out....ease of life and cowardice prevailed. I FAILED AS A FREE AMERICAN.
people i knew at the time....especially that had high level education... that were my peer group were distinctly split. WE knew this was not right...
America......at the end of the day.....the single fundamental founding principal is INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. you can only have that with a constitutional republic.
democracy as commonly used....doooomacracy is 50 percent plus 1. that is NOT AMERICA. it is not an American value.
life is not fair.
the point of this place....you are supposed to be free with minimal government interference and definitely minimal central planning....(see Aaron Burr)...our education is designed to take that away so you will choose to have overlords....that know better. or rather....just accept the status quo. Everyone knows Biden isnt running the country....and seems to be ok with that....well...at least close to half.
you are here now.....Amerizuala....not fully cured yet...
so i pray that the fundemental transformation is not complete.... anybody that wants to change something fundementally hates....at its core what something is.
you can vote your way into Tyranny......you can not vote your way out. so i pray we shake our structure loose before the cement of socialism hardens.
we will get the hell we deserve if we dont.
as to how this happened...
they let it happen. because we let it happen. settled for the machine instead of a commander in chief.
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For years and years people bitched "oh there is no difference between the two parties"
Now there is...a BIG difference...and people need to wake up and realize that only one side is truely for the country.