Define horrible? Oil fouled, burned off, ?
My '94 is doing some frustrating things like yours... it will sit between the N and O if I just let it idle but if I drive it, it'll creep up a little higher and when I stop at a stop light, it'll jump up quickly to the L and then quickly recover and drop down to N-O... then long as I'm at the stop light. If it's hot out and I have the AC on, it'll creep up to the A, sometimes L if I let it go... even while moving/at highway speed.
FWIW I spent some time with an IR thermometer and on my gauge cluster, the exact middle is about 200 degrees, A is 220, L is 230. I don't really consider 220-230 as being too hot, it's not boiling, but about 230 is the point where I start to worry.
Mine is just weird because the thermostat is clearly working but it's opening way late and it shouldn't be getting hot anyway, it just flip flops between really cold and really warm instead of settling somewhere. Additionally the heater does not work very well. I'm not going to blame the engine itself because I had a different engine in the truck, with a different thermostat, water pump, etc and it did the same thing. I'm fairly certain that I'm dealing with an air pocket trapped somewhere. That is really confusing to me because I've had 100% success burping air out of many of these trucks in the past and this one in particular is just fighting me for some reason.