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  1. A4LD_Nghtme

    SOLVED: 90 Bii rear driver wheel cylinder wont bleed

    So I've officially finished rebuilding my passenger drum after replacing the siezed parking brake cable and so I began to bleed the brakes. I bled the passenger wheel cylinder first and was able to get brake fluid to bleed through it. Upon cracking the bleed valve on the driver side wheel...
  2. A4LD_Nghtme

    SOLVED: 1990 Bronco II rear passenger parking brake stuck on.

    So I've had an abs light and parking brake light on my dash since I got the old gal but she braked fine with fronts until now and ran unimpeded. Well I decided before taking her in for a smog since I just replaced the cat after a fail that I was going to safen her up and try to get at least one...
  3. A4LD_Nghtme

    SOLVED: 1990 Bii 2.9 FAILED CA SMOG!

    Hey there all! I just got back from a failed smog test. As you can see I got a pass on everything except my HC ppm at 15 mph and my NO ppm at both 15 and 25 mph. It has a fresh new o2 sensor and last i checked i had no codes. And they passed me on the OBD system check. I have not replaced the...
  4. For Sale Ford Ranger FX4 Level 2

    I have an 05 Ranger for sale please view Craigslist ad here: https://westslope.craigslist.org/cto/d/carbondale-ford-ranger-fx4-level/7441078221.html Thanks!
  5. 5.0 Swap

    I know the 5.0 swap has been done a billion times. Im heavily considering doing it and am already aware of the wiring and computer issues that may and will pop up. What im asking is will the T56 Trans bolt to an 01 5.0 out of an explorer, and are there any adapter plates or ways to bolt a TCase...
  6. 83 ranger with Dana 30 help with bushings

    Hey everyone! I’ve got an 83 ranger that’s had a SAS with a Dana 30. The fella I got it from didn’t know too much about it, but I believe the front axle to be from 98 Grand Cherokee and the rear axle to be from a mid-nineties f150. It’s just a woods buggy but it makes finding parts difficult not...
  7. newports454

    Help me outfit my 2006 Ford Ranger FX4 Level II

    Just bought this from a dealer with 150k miles. Only work that has been done to it to was done by the dealer presale: - Undercoat to prevent any rust - new rear drive shaft I have some ideas on what I want to do to it but would love feedback on my choices and anything else that you pros might...
  8. No rpms

    Hi, I’ve got a 1988 bronco ii. Last year, on a hot day it stalled driving about 40 down the road. I replaced the tfi module. Then it started stalling and not starting for a few minutes. I checked the inertia switch. The connection was melted, so I figured I’d replace that. It drove fine the...
  9. New member and owner of 2014 Thailand made Ford Ranger :)

    Hi guys, since I live in south east Asia, and the servicing here is really really unimpressive, (duct-tape and glue type of repairs) I'm doing most of my repairs and fixes and troubleshooting myself. But since the T6 2014 is not available in the States, its a little hard to find proper places...
  10. JodyTanner93

    Need help diagnosing a problem I’ve had for 3 months

    Hey guys I just signed up to see if anyone could point me in the right direction with my truck. I’ll start from the beginning when I bought it about 3 months ago. I’ve got a 2006 Ford Ranger xlt 2wd automatic with the 3.0 Vulcan engine. So when I first purchased the truck it ran perfect and I...
  11. 1991 Ford Ranger 2.9 v6

    Hi I’m going to look at a 1991 ford ranger with 300,000 km (186,000 miles) on it. I don’t know too much about it or any of the ford rangers but I know it has the 2.9 litre v6 and the transmission was rebuilt 100,000 km (62,000 miles). The clutch was also done at this time. The guy wants 1800...
  12. 24in of vacuum at idle too high for the 2.8L?

    I did some research on how to adjust the 2150 carburetor on my 1984 Bronco II using a vacuum gauge. Every where I read, they said 18-20in of vacuum is normal for a healthy V6... I was able to pull 24-25in stable on the gauge while idling at a normal RPM.... is this ok?? I would like to add...
  13. Ford Ranger 4x4 problems

    Hi, just recently joined the forum, I have a 1998 ford ranger xlt 4x4, went out into some mud on Christmas night, 4x4 worked amazingly, it got stuck in 4x4 (wouldn’t shift out) but needed it anyways, shifted into 2wd after sitting, then I go to use 4wd a few days ago, was working strongly, than...
  14. bizeeb

    1984 Ford Ranger, Name that part?!

    Hey Guys, New this forum, Ive been working on this 1984 Ford Ranger for quite some time. Recently ran into a part that I can't get an answer on. Has no part number or any trace of what it could be. I have been dealing with a battery draw issue for months and can't figure out where the short...
  15. 001.JPG 1992 Ranger XLT in Alaska

    001.JPG 1992 Ranger XLT in Alaska

    Summer trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage when the odometer went to all zeros making it a brand new Ranger. I am about 91 miles north of Anchorage on the Parks Highway . Zero'd out my trip meter when I left Fairbanks so it shows about 265 miles from start of the trip.
  16. 1991 Ranger Passenger Door with power

    Looking for 1991 passenger ranger door with power, I will pay for shipping if I can't drive to you Thanks Ron
  17. What's up from Michigan

    I CUrrently Live in Michigan and I own a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT 4x2 2.3L Engine and Manual Transmission. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
  18. Finding Ford F-250 Emblems

    Hey, whats going on everyone! I just joined this forum today and I'm looking for a Ford F-250 Illuminated Emblems for the model year 2011. so if u know anyone out there just let me know! Thank you.
  19. very loose steering!

    Hey guys. my steering has about 2.5 inches of play before the wheels engage. I checked all the tie rod ends and the steering coupler and flex joints and they all seem to be fine. I can grab the steering column right at the the input of the steering box and it turns very freely without any...
  20. 4.0 OHV Top Dead Center questions.

    Long story short truck started running a bit slower checked codes, got a lean code and a p1309 code. Decided to change out the syncro and cam. I assumed the original syncro was good. I turned the crank by hand till I could fit the ford tool on the syncro then took it out, and put in a brand...

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