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  1. 97 2.3 cylinder one running lean

    CEL is on, and it's giving the cylinder one bank is lean, and the EVAP purge valve. From why I've seen online, this is most likely related to a vacuum leak. So, I've checked all the vacuum lines that I can see(only 2. I don't know if there's any more), one from the intake and one from the EGR...
  2. PineappleRanger503

    Overheating, replaced radiator and thermostat. Please help!!!

    Hello everyone, My truck is overheating and I am having some difficulty trying to pinpoint the problem. Hoping I can get some help and ideas on what may be the problem and/or what I may be doing wrong or incorrectly. I had a pretty noticeable cracked radiator which I have replaced with a brand...
  3. Exhaust

    So I have a custom exhaust on my truck with 2.25" pipe from the manifold back. Rather than the exhaust shop putting in some kind of taper pipe, they simply put a 2" pipe with a 2.25" pipe and welded up the gap right before the flange. Would it benefit me at all to have that tapered instead? I...
  4. Ford Bronco II Leaf Swap

    I got an old beater Bronco II. Paid 150 dollars for it and drove it home. Got it running good (High Idle when purchased, Vacuum Leak). This thing was used as a toy and has probably been jumped 2 or 3 times, The leafs are weak and starting to bow negatively at the shackles and mounts. I pulled...
  5. 2004 Ford Ranger Won't Start

    I was driving my truck with the windows down. I parked and cut the engine. I realized I hadn't rolled my windows up. I got to turn on my accessories, to roll the windows up. Nothing happens. I go to start the truck and the ignition lock is totally slack. There is no resistance. I turned the key...
  6. INFO: 2004 B3000 to 2.3 Engine swap

    I recently put a 2.3l engine in a 2004 mazda b3000. Since there isn't really info available online on how to do this or if it's even possible, I decided to write a post on it. This could even be used as a tech article. The Vehicle 2004 b3000 with sport package (torsion bar suspension). Manual...
  7. Scobi64

    98 Ranger - 97 Explorer Swap?

    I have a 98 Ranger that had the 3.0 auto, my project is swapping a 5.0 v8 from the 97 explorer. I know that there is a lot of gray area between 97-98 because of the ECM and wiring. I want to know if anyone knows, is that swap possible? Or should I just find a 98-02 explorer to make my life easier?
  8. 1998 Ranger Compressor cycling rapidly

    I added refrigerant about a month and a half ago and the A/C was working amazing! Now in the past couple of days when it has gotten in the high 90s i tried it and it doesnt kick out any cold air. my compressor keeps cycling every 2-7 seconds. i checked the refrigerant level and it is the same...
  9. 91 ranger 2.3 interchangeable with 96 ranger2.3 ?????

    Can someone please tell me if I can put a 2.3L motor from a 96 ranger in a 91 ranger that had a 2.3L motor in it. Both motors are 8 plug motors. If so what all needs to be swapped over and what about the crank sensor ??????? THANKS IN ADVANCE PLEASE HELP !!!!
  10. Truck has trouble starting when a passenger is in the seat

    My friend has an 2003 ford ranger with a 4.0 v6 she's saying that she is having trouble starting it when there is a passenger or weight in the passenger seat. All it will do is turn over but after the person or weight is moved from the passenger seat it will turn over and and then eventually...
  11. I want something fast

    Im looking to buy a cheap car that has good aftermarket support for engine modifications, Im open to imports and domestics and I like sleepers. what in your guys option could give me the best bang for my buck.(Im still going to keep my Bronco 2 so the cheaper the car the better) :3gears: I...
  12. 94 Ford Ranger 2.3 Cranks but no start

    As tile said I got a 94 Ranger It will turn over fine but won't start >Timing is correct >spark plugs are new Bosch >New plug wires >New coil packs >New CPS >MAF is original but works fine >New fuel Pump and filter >New fuel pump and ecm relays >Tps is within specs >New ICV >Rebuilt engine...
  13. 2.9 v6 performance parts found ?

    While looking through the internet for some parts for my 2.9 liter I came upon a web site that has some parts for the v6 http://www.moranav6racing.com/category.html?CategoryID=38 Has any one purchased some of the parts off of here or built an engine with these parts. Also has any one done the...
  14. 1984 Ranger 5.0 Clutch Problems. PLEASE HELP

    I am building a 5.0 ranger with the np435 transmission. i can not get the clutch to disengage all the way. i have the bell housing and external slave cylinder from a 1985 ford f150 and the stock 84 ranger master cylinder. I've bled the slave cylinder to the point where I have a pretty hard pedal...
  15. Wheel offset question

    I have a 98 ranger and am trying to decide on wheels. Does anyone know the correct size/offset that will fit without tire rub? I'm looking to go about as big as possible. Thanks
  16. where to buy factory paint

    I just got my 89 bronco 2 running but it has a rust hole in the roof. After thats fixed Im going to paint it the factory tan and brown It came with. I have been trying to find some where that will sell Ford factory paint but all I can find are the websites offering touch up paint. Does any one...
  17. 1985 and 1989 bronco II owner

    Hello everyone, I thought I would post to here to introduce my self. I own a 1985 bronco II 2.8 v6 --- this is my to be trail rig, I also just became the owner of a 1989 bronco II with the 2.9 v6. I picked up the 89 for 600 and was going to use it for parts but then I got to looking around and...
  18. 2.3 Stalling Idle

    I have a 97 Ford Ranger with the 2.3 and manual trans. Whenever I go to stop at any time the motor starts to stall and tries to idle at around 400 to 500 rpm's then jumps back up. It also has trouble shifting back into gear if I pull it out of gear at a dead stop, with the clutch still pressed...
  19. Replacement Rear

    So I'm doing a rear swap after mine decided to take a crap and leave everything in shreds. I can get a rear from the yard for $90 but I wanted to make sure on a couple things before I pick one up. I have a 99 ranger with a R7 rear in it. Two questions: 1. R7 is a 8.8, 4.10 rear with the...
  20. BruceG

    1997 2.3 hydraulic lash adjusters

    Hi there everyone! I have a 2.3. I had the head almost apart. It's a reman Spartan head. The lash adjusters won't come out. Does anyone know if Spartan loctite these in? It's the only thing I can come up with. Thank you in advance

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