Call me crazy or suspicious, but it seems to me tire choices are drying up some. I’ve been keeping tabs on a couple different Cooper and Mastercraft tires and I’m seeing a lot of “out of stock” listings. I’m a little curious as to why it seems like everything but China tires are ending up out of stock…
At first I was willing to kinda go with the idea floated by the one local tire shop that my tire sizes are becoming obsolete until I started poking around looking for tires for my green Ranger. I don’t have rims yet and I don’t have the money to throw at tires and what is on the truck will work for the time being, but I was starting to search for something suitable. Plan is to try and get some 18” Explorer rims (maybe 17”, but I’d prefer 18”) and get a tire that’s in the neighborhood of a 29” tall tire roughly 9-10.5” wide. Naturally it will be a metric size. I found a few candidates in that range with a casual search, but nearly all of them I’ve seen are ”out of stock” which brings me back to asking, why…