If during your visit you slipped off the blacktop, hit some gravel (kinda) roads, witnessed an old grain elevator in the distance and then blinked... You may just have drove right by my little corner of the county, and the metropolis of Touhy. 10 miles West of WAHOO!! or about a 6-pack with a scenic dirt road drive East of Surprise! Keep going and you'll run into Worms...LOL Cant make this stuff up! Makes ya wonder who and how they came up with some of the names for the little towns dotting the countryside..
Sad to see them drying up and disappearing though, I hope and try to help them staying around the best I can by visiting the local business, some of the yummiest food on the planet can be found at the local bar and grills around here!
I'll help you out the best I can on the Diesels!
Sad to see them drying up and disappearing though, I hope and try to help them staying around the best I can by visiting the local business, some of the yummiest food on the planet can be found at the local bar and grills around here!
I'll help you out the best I can on the Diesels!