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Jim Oaks
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  • Hi Jim. Just new to your site. I have a question about the online payment in order to become a 'Supporting Member'. You only take PayPal for payment, you don't do e-transfers? Only asking because I don't have paypal (they screwed me a few years back).

    Hello, great site....I screwed up my screen name off the bat and I don't see a way to fix it myself its jenocide not jemocide........yup thats me...............always in a pickle.......please help? or send me where to help myself?

    Thank you........:)
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    Fixed it for you.
    Thank you so much........lol wish you could fix my truck like that..........My brain is not a man brain and that is why i"m here I need "MANswers"... again.....thank you so much for spelling my handle right............
    Jim, why the hell did I get shut off and banned?
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    Neither your username or IP address in banned. Why do you think you're banned?
    I only see my goofy avatar on my end and zero info. May be a glitch but I love being one of the the pre 2007 members.
    Thanks Jim, you're straight up a good person and I preciate ya brother. 🇺🇸
    Say Jim, can I request a username change? If yes, let me know how to submit it, please. Thanks, Rick
    I noticed a Rock-auto discount code on the site advertising the patch. Is that accessible, or just for that one post?
    It was seen on the July 19th (2019) post above the posting by rascan.
    Hi Jim - how do I delete a double post in the heating and air conditioning section? Can't figure out how to do it. Thanks chuckw/greast
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    We always have a current Rock Auto discount code displayed in the forum for anyone to use.
    I know you're a busy man, and have a lot going on , but I subscribed to the $10 yearly fee for contributing. I figure as much trouble I get into on here, I should at least contribute. I made the purchase a few days ago, Monday I think, and haven't received my banner yet. No worries, I don't really need it, but I want to make sure the payment was made, everything on my end says it was. I just want to make sure.
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    Never mind, I found it....
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    There's an error in the log. I manually added you as a Supporting Member, and I'll have to look in to this to find the problem. Thanks for your support, and letting me know!
    thank you
    How do I get someone to reply to my question??
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    Give people time to see it and reply, or use the 'Ask A Mechanic' link at the top. A lot of these guys here are likely at work right now.
    Are you hear now to answer my question??
    I did go in ask a mechanic and it got froze my last question is sitting there and won't send
    I can't seem to find the 'button' to post a new thread in The Sanctuary. Can you help?
    Jim Oaks
    Jim Oaks
    Ya, let me take a look...
    Jim are you there to ask a question
    I still go to the Top 4x4 site daily. We've been in 12th place. Seems like some of the guys think it's not important,
    Hello! Love your site. I've been on here for a while now and have purchased a yearly subscription. For some reason this year I got charged 2 times. Once on Feb 8th and again on Feb 16th. Could you fix this? Thanks... -Micah
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