It went good kinda. Froggy had a stock 94 no lift, and bad 2 auto hubs. Every time he went through a mud hole I had to pull him out! He had to replace his hub after the first hole. Then he blew another one and we had to go back to my house to get a washer to fix it with so it would be in lock all the time, Then he blew the tread of his tire and I had a spare he put on. Then we hit the trail up the hill along the ridge, that was awesome! We got to the very end of the trail and had to turn around cause there were trees over the trail exit. Then we hit the mud holes again and I hit one that was about 4 ft deep and my hitch dug in and he had to pull me out. Then he hit and that's where he blew his water pump. I had to take a running start 10 good times to get him out. So we went back to my house and to the parts store and changed his water pump and thermostat so he could get back home. I posted a thread on it. You'll have to come the next time there are more trails up there to follow too!