Never plowed with an RBV, but my 88 Bronco II has plow mounts on the frame. There was also some wiring that I never understood until I realized the weird brackets on the front were a plow mount. Previous owner said he thought the brackets were for a tow bar so I have no idea when it was used for plowing or what sort of plow it had (the mount design is not familiar to me). When I fix the thing, I’ve been thinking of building a plow assembly for it. Not sure if Meyer is still offering their “facelift” assemblies that were for restoring old Meyer assemblies, but one of those would be about perfect.
I’m not plowing this year, I thought about trying to get the mount back on the F-150 in case I got to use it this year, but that poor truck is in such sad shape anymore I’m not sure that would be a wise move. I have an old Meyer Classic plow set for it with an E-47 and an E-60 pump. I’ve rebuilt both pumps.
Plowing for anyone other than yourself can be a headache. When I was plowing I had a number of arguments about price with people. I had one lady who expected to get a 1,000’ long driveway plowed plus an extra blade width each side in the yard plus a turn around for $25. She kept telling me that she always paid $20 to have that done and when I started questioning, turns out the neighbor was doing it for beer money until his plow broke and he didn’t have the money to fix it. Go figure. I also had a number of people who never cleared their driveway all winter, just drove on it and packed it to ice call after a storm that dropped 8+” to come clear things. Sorry, a truck plow isn’t going to really fix that, you need a machine there buddy.
You can build a truck to handle the work and if you’re not dumb about things, it’s not super hard on a truck. Stock truck and beat on it? Yeah, it’s gonna break stuff. The hardest thing is all the salt the truck can be exposed to. I’ve actually considered building an entire truck specifically as a plow truck and build it so it can handle the entire experience plus be easier to wash salt off.
Also, unless it’s your property and you put flags in to mark the edges, you are probably going to plow something up sooner or later. Hopefully it’s just plowing up some yard and not something important… once everything is covered by that white blanket, everything starts to look the same…