Went to work. Lefdt early to inspect damage from a dead tree falling on the house last night. Fortunately it was well rotted. Bent some of the metal roof and flashing. Water may be able to get under the flashing before I can get it replaced, but the metal roof was installed over existing shingles that wasn't terrible yet so it'll hold. A piece of flashing and maybe a single piece of tin will have it fixed up.
The worst damage was to the vinyl siding. Tree busted through and hit the foam board. Fortunately all of that damage was restricted to a single piece of siding, so if I can find some matching it will be easy to replace. For now I grabbed a roll of the Gorilla brand version of flex tape and patched over the cracks until the weather cools off a bit. and rain clears out for a few weeks.
I bought an electric power washer specifically to wash the mud off my SxS… I haven’t bothered firing up the gas one in the 5 years since. I use the electric one for everything.

I buy electric pressure washers so I've got one less thing to fool with bad gas and small carbs in. Don't need use the pressure washer often, but it's handy to have when I do, so keep one around. Don't use it often enough to keep the gas and carbs nice. Electric works well enough.
I'd go for other electric yard equipment, but the 18 volt Ryobi weedeater just doesn't have enough torque for some stuff. I have one and it does great for light stuff but thicker stuff is too much and it can't handle brush cutting. The bigger electrics (IE: 40v Ryobi) would probably do it, but I'm not investing in a new battery type just for the weedeater. The electric mowers are interesting, but some of the places I cut would kill the direct drive electric motor and I haven't seen electrics with belt drive. I've even thinking about buying a commetcial push mower for the belt drive, because I've killed a couple of consumer grade units that are direct drive. If I could find an old Kazoo (in decent shape, affordable, and local) it would be perfect for me.
On almost all of this small engine stuff I won't even fool with"fixing" the carburetor. Drain and clean the bowl, clean the needle and seat, that's about it. If it needs more than that, buy another one for <$20 to slap on for a few more years of use. Since we started using the canned pre-mix gas we haven't had near as many issues though.