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But the trees provide leaves for mulching the garden and sticks for camp fire tinder.Chain saw>>>>trees
No more leaves
Hard Pass on those, bud.Leaf-guards : N, Plural;
The things you need to not have to jack with that any more.
I’ve never heard anyone that likes them.Hard Pass on those, bud.
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My gutters were put up by my buddy, whom I help with installs and repairs from time to time, and myself. This ^^^ is what 9 out of 10 gutters with "guards" look after about 2 years or so. I'm going on 3 and mine are in tip top condition.
I agree with this statement and am not familiar enough with the brands and styles. When I asked about them while we wwere installing my gutters, My guy said I don't need'em, so I don't have'em. I only have one huge oak tree on the east end og my house, so that end gets it the worst.As with anything else... your results are only going to be as good as the quality of product and quality of installation
Englert Leafguard
I've seen this type, too.I've been putting up gutters for a living for the past 12 years, installed many many miles worth of Englert SureGuard.. good stuff unless you have pine needles.
Under needle trees we reccomend a product called Waterloov.. we like it a bit better than Englerts leafguard and another similar product called gutter Helmet that we used to install for home depot.
As with anything else... your results are only going to be as good as the quality of product and quality of installation.
Which one? lolOne of them is guaranteed to never clog.
Eventful weekendI went fishing and got charged by a bear, watched my dog jump on it and chase it off. And then I bought some D&D character sheets, went to Staples and photocopied them on some old parchment paper looking stuff. Getting set up for a winter hobby with my kids
Success! Now to cancel Amazon order...Currently putting the pressure washer carb back together. Fingers crossed it works...