I Re-dyed ole blue’s vinyl top with a new product. I’ll write it up after I touch it up and it’s done. It already looks 100 times better.
A bunch of little chores, checked all the vehicles for antifreeze for the freeze point, disconnected my garden hoses, and put the pressure washer in the bathroom in the garage, all so nothing will freeze. Tonight is the first night it’ll be a threat down here, predicted lower of 29°, but in the mid 20s, the next three or four days at night, and barely over freezing during the daytime.
I also disconnected all of Sweetpea’s hoses, turned off the inside valves, opened up the outside valves, etc. I got a plate of leftover turkey dinner for that, like I needed another one.
The big project today was opening up my little HF battery tester and fixing it. I must have a half a dozen different kinds of meters, and that fancy smart battery charger, but the beauty of this one is it fits in your pocket and it tells you exactly what you want to know if you’re in a hurry. All it was was that the positive terminal pulled off the solder joint. Probably wasn’t really on there to begin with..
Now that I’m getting around better than I was a few years ago, assuming all the poking and prodding the doctors do works out. OK, I expect to be covering some more miles. So as I’m cleaning the shed of miracles and re-organizing some of my tools, I’m trying to do it in such a way that I have things that are easy to grab to take with me when I’m on the road. This little guy will probably be the first addition to the travel box.
Oh, and a friend out of Tennessee helped me clean up a little bit and we got all the fun and festive and merry set up in the living room with the tree, and the dining room with the Christmas plates. If my feeble body holds out, I should have everything up for the holiday by tomorrow night After caffeine and octane.
I played musical vehicles and moved the trailer around and hooked it up to the road Ranger. It only took me about 15 minutes. I finally figured out the correct procedure and I’m not nervous about doing it anymore.
And, and, and, one last thought, I met my new neighbors. Really nice younger couple. We’ll probably share a dinner and a wine later this week to get acquainted.
i’m not feeling too merry yet myself, but I can feel it creeping up