I finally got the 88 blue town car on the road. It’s always nice to have everything running, but with all this medical stuff I’m having to go through, I needed a vehicle that would fit in the parking decks here in the big city.
I laughed when I went because it swings around pretty easily in the older parking decks, but when I went into a couple of the new parking decks, I had to be real careful because the spaces are 2/3 is deep, 2/3 as wide, and the drive aisle is half as wide. It’s like trying to park an aircraft carrier in a pond dock.
I didn’t realize until I did this all week that I really haven’t driven any of the Lincoln’s this year. It was a new learning curve. That town car is almost 4 feet longer than my 87 Ranger. And the seat in the town car from the nose is about where the toolbox is in the bed. And then you have another 2/3 of it sticking out behind you. But I was a sporty important dude, profiling the whole way!
I wish it was as easy to fix my neck and hand and hip. I got a nerve continuity test on my arms. Basically, they use a set of micro jumper cables, and tape them to certain spots on your arm, and then they feed you a jolt to see if you can feel it, and or, if certain muscles work. Then they move inch by inch up your arm from your hand. Turns out the big problem in my hand is not coming from my neck, but rather from some busted wire somewhere in my forearm. So now I have to get another cat and MRI of my forearm. And probably another surgery.
The really interesting part, once they narrow down the area, the doc took some super thin needles, like acupuncture needles, but they were actually electrodes. They put a ground out by the tip of your finger, and push that needle literally into the nerve, and then they listen to the nerve impulses as you bend your hand this way and that way, tense it up and let it relax. Sounds like static on the radio. If it’s a smooth, consistent static that ramps up and ramps down as you move, it’s OK. When he got to the nerves in the wrist that feed my pinky and my ring finger, it’s sounded more like a Gene Krupa riff. Or, no sound. Not good news.
And they confirmed my neck is messed up, so we still have to mess with that, and we haven’t even gotten to the hip yet.
But it was a blast to ride around in the town car!
Happy turkey & all His blessings everybody!