I ran the wires out Halloween Baby’s ass, and weaved them together. Yeah, that was pretty bizarre even for me.
I took Baby off the step trailer, made a mount for Halloween Baby, and set her back there.
I goofed on the wiring a little. I ran a common ground, and then a left positive and a right positive thinking I would connect it into the brake lights, so not only would the eyes glow, they would wink with the turn signals. But I forgot the 97 has Amber turn signals and a separate brake circuit, so that was a no go.
So I did the next best thing. I wired the eyes together, but then I tied them into the third brake light circuit, and I have an interrupter on that. The three clearance lights in the middle are high/low lights. They’re on low with the running lights, but when you step on the brake, they flash on high three times quick, three times slow, and then they go solid. I figured that would be pretty good for Halloween Baby’s eyes too.
And, if you didn’t catch it on my local show announcement, I’m having a “name the Halloween Baby” contest. She’s going to be around all year, so I need an all-year-round name.
Winner gets haunted for life. The first and second runner-up get nightmares.