After I put the new control arms in, and the mornings got cold, I've been hearing a squeak when going over speed bumps. Nothing major. Just noticeable when hitting a speed bump a little hard. It didn't do it when the temperature was above about 65. Several mornings ago someone mentioned to me that it sounded like a loud duck. So, I went to Lowe's after work several days ago and bought a can of Blaster silicone lubricant and hosed down the bushings with it and took it for a test drive. It still squeaked. I sprayed some of it on the cab mount and that didn't fix it. Yesterday I crawled under the front to start a better inspection because I was slightly concerned it could be that one of the new ball joints was defective. While I was under there I noticed the sway bar bushings that I cleaned up and regreased when I replaced the links appeared to not have any grease. So, I gave the bushings a shot of silicone lubricant. This morning I didn't hear any ducks in the wheel well, so I think I figured it out. I used sil-glyde to lubricate the bushings which could have washed out in the heavy rain. However, I was using that to lubricate the caliper slide pins and noticed there was hardly any of it left in the slide pin bores. If the squeak comes back I'll try silicone brake grease.