I'm talking about the 31 spline 8.8" on my Ranger.
And, referring to disc brakes, my experience has been front TTBs on Rangers and F150s, front IFS on my 97 F150, front TIB and rear 10.25"(?) on my 2002 F250. On that F250 rear, I need to service and rebuild the parking brakes which don't work at all. I'm not looking forward to that job because I don't enjoy doing wheel bearings.
And I never said discs were difficult to service. I just Basically said that drums are not difficult to service.
I’m sure you caught in my post that I said cut the nuts, and then use new bolts. That was a typo: cut the nuts, clean the threads, and then use new nuts.
I would find it very hard to believe that the U bolts stretched. They are usually pretty hard steel and they will break before they would ever stretch enough to cause a rattle
The only place they might allow play at the nuts, and the cross brace is, if the crown of the U bolt bent around the springs, that may be possible, but the threaded part or the shaft of the legs stretching? I don’t think that could happen.
you have to take them off anyway, so if you cut the nuts and break them off, you should be able to see if there’s any considerable wear on the bolt threads at that point. If you run a dye over them, you may be able to tell where the dye is cutting through the surface rust, and just barely grazing the actual steel surface where the nuts were. If you do that, and it looks like brandy brand new cut where the nuts were, then I would agree that those threads are probably deformed.
I’m not trying to press it, just food for thought, to hopefully help you think it out as inexpensively as possible.