Why would you buy a used gas tank?there not that expensive in new condition?
The tank I bought wasn't for a ranger, twas for a subaru.
I forget exactly WHY I bought used too... dealer only item I'm thinking...
I don't buy used crap unless I NEED to lol so I was either really broke or a new tank was prohibitively expensive.. or both.
Either way, I DO remember that the new used tank got installed along with a fancy new pump the day before we drove 3 states away for a concert.
The next day, we get 3 miles away from the venue, stop to pee and get food, come back out to the car, and it won't start by itself. Will start with ether though. Dammit. So we walked the 3 miles across Worcester, got sprayed with intergalactic semen for a few hours (GWAR concert), and then walked back across Worcester way too drunk at like 2am looking like freaks. Called AAA, said we needed a lift.. and that we would need a truck with room for 4 additional people.
They didn't send a truck to fit 4 additional people however, so 3 of us wedged in the 2 seats next to the driver.. and the drunkest of us slept in my car on the back of the wrecker from Worcester to portsmouth NH (only have a free 100 miles per tow) the driver really really hated working for AAA I remember.. and had me roll a joint from the crummiest weed I've ever smoked.
Turns out, my used tank was full of leaves nobody cleaned out before installation. My fancy pump sucked one up.
Quite the trip.