My beef is not the ordering, shipping, transport, etc., etc. that everybody else is complaining about. My beef is specifically with how the Dunwoody post office is run.
if you go in at 10 of the morning or three in the afternoon, it’s tolerable. God forbid you go first thing in the morning, anytime around lunchtime, or anytime around 5 PM. There is a line that goes out the door, and it’s a pretty big building. Someone told me that the union had negotiated with the post office management that if they were called in, they had to be paid for eight hours. So instead of people coming in for short shifts during business times like every other business in the world, you have to wait in line for an hour so they don’t have the expense of a third person at peak times
I think I’ve said a couple times that when Dunwoody was widening the road in front of my house, which only took 12 years and they called it a sidewalk, a couple years in. they started running my mailbox over. Well, after we tracked 25 times it was hit, 1/3 of that knocked it completely over, I decided to get a post office box. But I got the post office box at the UPS store, not the post office, because it was closer and cheaper.
When the construction work was done, I had a brick mailbox built, and I sent in the post office change form to direct my mail back to the house. I got 1/3 of my mail at the house, 1/3 continued to arrive at the UPS store even though I closed the box, and 1/3 is probably at one of you guys houses.
Then I found out that the union had negotiated with the post office that if someone used a mail delivery system that was outside of the United States post office system, the post office was not allowed to do a change of address form. The person involved had to contact each entity that might mail him something and alert them to the new address
But I’m not trying to blame the rotten Dunwoody post office on the union. Turns out they discovered 2 or $300,000 in missing checks, and a boatload of parcels, missing and they traced it to the Dunwoody post office. I’m not making any accusations at who was at fault, but the assistant postal Director at that time was driving a Rolls-Royce.
Stranger than fiction, but true….