How many pretty pennies did the JD cost you?
I've been looking for a compact tractor with a loader recently, but prices here are pretty high. Like, nearly new price for 20 year old Kubota. For another 3/4K you could get a brand new one with a 0 APR note from the dealer.
Tools don't seems to depreciate nearly as fast a toys.....
That's why I bought new, the used ones are so ridiculously priced right now, just like vehicles, so I just bought a new tractor about 8 months ago instead, and took advantage of the 0%/60mo...will have it paid off about this time next year. The only issue with buying new now is its hit and miss on availability on not only the tractor but implements/attachments as well...its going on 9 months since the dealer delivered my tractor and I still haven't got the mower for it.
Just wish I would have listened to myself instead of the salesman and got the rear remotes and the 3rd function installed as I could have been using the rear remotes, and could have picked up a grapple. If you buy a new tractor get all you can on it while its at the dealer being prepped, afterwards you get to pay the $100+ an hour labor to have the tractor brought back in later and have that stuff added.
I figured for the price on a used one, I'd rather have a new one with 0 hours on it and know exactly what's been done to it, used stuff is pretty hit and miss, who knows what was done to it or with it, and who knows how well or if it was maintained properly. Stuff like this I'd rather have new, and have the factory warranty with it too.