@pentode , have you ever played with Ubuntu server? So, my brief story is… I’m trying Linux again. My goal is to set up a dedicated computer as a web file server for the Vagabond group to easily and inexpensively share large amounts of video footage a photos after our trips.
So, this week, I spent a couple days playing with Ubuntu and Ubuntu server. Not sure which one I should concentrate on. The server edition seems like the logical choice. But it is all CLi which is daunting. I feel blind trying to figure out what is going on. If I can use regular Ubuntu with the nice GUI, I might feel more comfortable. I’ve had both running on a minimalist laptop over the past few days. In fact, windows is gone now. So, this will always be a Linux machine from here on. I also have a small computer that just arrived yesterday which I intend to use for this project long term.
So I should be able to get an OS running on the new machine in a few days. Then I need to get all the server stuff and web interface figured out. I think I should probably use Apache.
Anyway. What’s your experience with servers?
Edit: guess I missed a sentence - you'll be running it on another machine, but locally I think.
In fact I've been running a couple Ubuntu servers fo the last 15 or 20 years, first on a Beaglebone Black (early competitor to Raspberry Pi) and later migrated to the cloud as I needed a nice stable place to host my email and business websites. I also run a few Ubuntu/Debian servers for clients.
As I think about your project, the first question that springs to mind is whether you're planning on using that laptop as your server, as in always having local access and maybe using a dynamic IP service, or whether you're thinking of a cloud machine out on the net somewhere (I have a couple recommendations there if that's your plan).
I'm sure you know, but I'll state it for the record for anyone else who might have similar ideas, that Ubuntu and Ubuntu server are just different subsets of the same larger collection of software, so you can turn either one into the other by installing and/or deleting various software packages.
So, you aren't handicapping yourself by choosing either one to start with, although if you want to set up a server, I do think starting with the server package is probably easiest. If you are going to always have local access, you might want to either start with server and add the GUI package(s) or with desktop and add the server packages. I think starting with server is still the best choice.
Also, from the subsequent post it seems like you will indeed be hosting from home, so what you need to do is set up a DDNS service such as noip.com (there are several others with various pros and cons) Then, you can either just use the IP and/or domain name they assign you or you can grab a domain name and point it at your server using the DDNS info. We'll come back to that if that is indeed your plan.
I'd tend to go with Apache as it comes standard with ubuntu server and it's really not bad to set up. Basically it comes with a default "hello world" page in a certain directory (I think /var/www or something like that, they've moved it a few times) One thing that might be worth considering is just setting up a Wordpress installation on your server, which is very easy, and then you can host and do all your edits and updates through the web interface, which is what most people prefer these days. Don't be intimidated by the learning curve for CLI, you only really have to use it as much as you want and there are several ways around it if you hate it.
Lemme know what I forgot to address, and ask more questions and I'll focus in better.