I bought a whole bunch of yard sale junk this weekend. A little railroad track anvil, some Pony pipe clamps, two nice floor jacks (2.5 & 3 ton) for $40/pair, two boxes of random spray paint/chemicals/grease, 5x concrete deck post blocks for $1 each.
I also bought a box of random junk which had a 25' roll of 4ga welding cable, a 2150 carburetor, some Craftsman wrenches & other goodies in it for $11 but when I got it home everything under the top layer of stuff was covered in mouse or cat piss and mouse poop. I threw out an otherwise very nice Petzl headlamp, a couple battery maintainers and some other things... it was so gross. The tools all got soaked in bleach. Fortunately the best things didn't appear to have been peed on. Ya win some, ya lose some I guess.