My cousin’s daughter and son-in-law and family live in Jacksonville. They’re not supposed to get hit too hard by this new hurricane, Milton.
Butttt, my cousin and her daughter and family are heading this way to stay at my house for a few days, while her husband and son-in-law will be hosting friends they know from Tampa who are evacuating.
My cousin’s daughter has four little kids….
…And you thought the hurricanes did a lot of damage!
An update. And let me say in posting this, I am not trying to make light of anyone’s challenges in facing these storms. Been there done that, but you also need a smile.
On a serious note, our two trucks have been down there in NC and they’re just getting stuff done. I’ll leave it at that. I’m happy to add that when I wrote that up in some of my real estate groups and real estate board news, we apparently inspired three other companies to send small maintenance teams in their trucks. Two to North Carolina, and one to North Georgia. Every little bit helps.
I also wanted to give an update on “hurricane Rugrats.” Again, my cousins are staying with me from Jacksonville while their friends from Tampa are staying at their house. Here, it’s granny, mom, and four kids from 12 down to four. Granny, mom, number one, number three, and number four are all women. Number two is the bravest man I’ve ever seen and he’s 10.
They got here after midnight. First thing in the morning, they broke the kitchen faucet. It was half gone anyway and why would we ever need that?
The seven-year-old wanted to know why I had Christmas dishes on my dining room table. I told her I was planning early for the holidays, but honestly, they’ve been sitting there for two years while I’ve been recovering. They don’t miss a trick.
I was able to send granny and mom to Kroger, and convince them to take number one with them to watch number four. Number two, my partner in crime, spent the time showing number three why I had two vacuum cleaners, and how they worked. My greatest success so far.
All the kids wanted to go for a ride on top of the Road Ranger and I thought that might be a great way to get rid of a couple of them, but then I scratched that idea.
None of them know what a lawnmower or a rake are for.
When we gathered around the dining room table, we were discussing what we could do, what we could gather up, and send to people in need. The seven year-old and four year-old told us not to forget toys. From the mouthes of babes. I am immediately thought of packing up baby and Halloween baby, but I scratched that. So we’re going to make a trip to wherever and get some and send them with the church truck.
I won’t even start on what poor Lincoln is going through, all this craziness in his house, sleeping in his bed, etc…..