Is your commute to the shop the majority of your driving? Or do you somewhat frequently get it out on the highway and let her eat? Lots of folks with super short commutes like you report fuel dilution of the motor oil.. a seeming downside to direct injection motors. It's bad enough for some people where they can literally watch the level on the dipstick rise over the course of the OCI.. taking it out for a longer drive where she gets nice and hot seems to help though.. the fuel will get burnt off through the PCV.
Is there real differences between sas & non sas besides the shocks?
From what I've seen on 6g.. stay miles away from the stock bilstiens that have the resi's. Loads of people are having the resi's rot right off.. some with only around 20-30k miles. Ford told bilstien to cheap out big-time it seems.
The ranger raptor front end will add about 3” to width and over an inch of travel IIRC, the only question remaining I believe is what the best option for a strut is.. which will be found out relatively soon I'm sure. Only weird bit is needing to monkey together the inside of the bronco cv to the outer of the ranger raptor cv to add the width.. wouldn't be surprised if ready made axles become available sooner than later.
I'll do more digging on the swap.. but seems like it can be done for less than 2k buying new parts from a dealer..
The two big issues I have with our BD offroad is the lack of ground clearance and suspension articulation. I have never disconnected the front sway bar (have to unbolt it) but I don't know how much of a difference it would really make. It does the unsettling teeter totter BS that really keeps you awake.
Both Badlands and anything Squatched gets a heavier front differential in addition to the suspension. Suspension doesn't care about the diff, just the center chunk is different.
HOWEVER, our car's main purpose is as a rural dd that can take snow and mud as needed. In that role it is beautiful. 25mpg hwy, runs 80-85mph like a dream as long as the crosswind isn't too stiff... so I am really scared to mess with it. I would like to do something akin to durasparking a 2.8. Something small that could night and day improve everything.
Used strut assemblies are like $500 for a set of four, either BL or squatch. Pretty tough to beat for the $$. Sooner or later replacement ones will be available aftermarket. IIRC BL is like a 2" lift (not huge) but can run up to 35" tires, OE for a BL was 33" tire (Our BD has 32's) So running 34's to keep the crash bars and we gain a little height in the suspension and a inch of tire... would help ground clearance a lot. BL suspension wouldn't hurt articulation any either.
Squatch would be the easiest solution but I really don't want to get into regearing. I haven't really looked into it but I don't want to cook the lil 10R60 with 35's pulling the popup.
I have yet to see a Ranger Raptor in real life, not going to be counting them for a viable parts source for quite some time yet. I really don't want to make the thing even wider either. It barely squeaks into the garage with its current beam.
And to circle back to Bronco wheels, if I did a lift and bigger tires I would LOVE to find a way to get rid of these stupidly designed rockrash bait wheels that have the spokes sticking outboard of the wheel bead asking for rocks to damage them. Luckly they painted the wheels back so gouges into the soft aluminum wheel are nearly undetectable.

A real suspension lift, tires and wheels... that is a big wad of $$
But the 4500lb cave pig in the room is the old green thing I built in a cave with scraps. It has the clearance, it has the articulation, it has my heart. It is more enjoyable to wrench on, wheel and drive... so at the end of the day the Bronco is hard pressed to compete for funding. Especially if that funding would get my baby a crate motor and some extras.