I found a dual tank ranger at the junk yard so I grabbed the whole wiring harness, selector valve, dash switch, fuel lines, rear tank and straps, and rear crossmember. I like the idea of having a dual tank set up but I am wondering if it is more trouble than it is worth. I have read through this post and another so I think I can get it installed but just want to clarify a few things if anyone has done this. I have an 86 super cab BTW and the donor was a 85 single cab long bed.
1. Is the wiring plug and play? It appears so to me. I see a plug in the dash harness for the switch. There is an empty fuse for "Aux tank" in the fuse panel. And the front of the fuel wiring harness looks like it will plug right in to the harness under the hood that comes out of the driver side firewall.
The only issue I see is that there was one plug that I don't have in my truck. The main fuel harness runs along the frame but there were 2 wires that lead into a plug that went up through the center of the floorboard behind the seats (single cab). I plan to go back and trace those wires. I will also post photos later.
2. How can I best bench test the selector valve? It is all sealed up with rivets so is there a noise it makes when changing or can I see a change in something down the inlet or outlet ports? Hate to install everything and have the valve not work.
3a. Has anyone had success patching a gas tank? The tank has 2 screwdriver size holes it because they drain all tanks at the Junkyards. Otherwise it is clean inside and only some surface rust outside. It is steel, appears to be the 11 gal tank I have seen referenced in these discussions. I know you can get the broncoII tanks but they hang pretty low for my liking.
3b. Does the sending unit in the rear tank share parts with the Bronco II for the filter bag and electric pump? I want to replace them while I have it all taken apart.