got the fuel pump shortened up and installed last night. had to take off a good 4". I don't think you could go much shorter without taking off the sending unit.
I know that's not a very good pic, the hose on the return line is only an inch long. that's how short we had to make it. as for the float, my guage will be acurate when I'm empty. my tank will be full when my guage reads ~2/3's full. I could've modded the arm but I'd rather know when I'm empty rather than full.
started getting everything wired/plumbed. fun stuff
and another pic of those sweet straps I made
by the looks of things I won't get the doubler in this weekend. I'll shoot for getting the tank completely done, fabbing a filler neck to the inside of my bed and herculining my bed. that way I'll be driving it again for next week and I'll tackle the doubler install on another weekend. I'll keep you guys posted.