the bersa has had at least 500 rounds thru it...never jammed, never malfunctioned.
and ah....the glock. Glock and i got into over an issue w/ the gun. it was a 34 9mm. i always said something didn't feel right. come to find out the gun had to much slack internally. the top slide was to loose with no ways of tightening it other than replacing the lower. sorry if my terms are not correct... glock wouldn't fix it even tho it was bought new. we had several issues of it not feeding right... it was a hassle. i sold the gun as is to a friend, he knew the issue. He sent the gun in and they fixed it somehow no questions asked. i sent that stupid thing in 2 times, never was mean, never said anything out of the way for the first 2 times... and it went down hill from there.
other glocks i've shot have been fine, but i will NOT spend money on a glock..
besides, i like the XDm more.. A LOT MORE. it feels better in my hand, fits my hand better, like the size more. and when it comes down to a gun i'll carry, i want one i'm comfortable with and like the way it fits my hand more.
if you're a glock guy, more power to you.. hope you NEVER had the issues i had with mine. glock makes a great gun and has good stats on their guns. i got lucky enough to have a bad one. i will take an XDm over a glock anyday