One of our complete (well known) looser administrations demolished the 90% of the US Forestry Service which invented the "BLM", which doesn't care anything about forest fires, not doing any mandated under brush control, or even keeping the fire roads clear. The CCC (California Conservation Control) normally also kicked in keeping the lands in decent shape, but without the state & federal Department of the Interior, and those Forest officials, the forests burn.
Yes Jim, the Pinion Pine requires fire (high heat) to crack open it's seed. In the high Sierras, the Pinion Pine grows right up the tree line. Normal summer thunderstorms ignite these most wild fires every year.
In California & in many other states the fathers of those cities engage in bulldozing whole zip codes. Included in redesign of depressed areas become fresh property ready for new development and are largely responsible for the demolition. East Palo Alto, East Menlo Park, Old town Mt. View (my home town), and many, many others have been turned around representing a huge (10x) increase in tax revenue for the cities. I'm sure that cities like Pacific Palisades already had plan in place "If & When". As you already realize, California has long be in trouble with air quality, water shortages & wildfires. Not to mention the earthquakes. Add in the current demize of real estate values, which is on track to dive exactly like before, but the way the tax collectors propose, the current expected values are still on track to rise as they have always done, eventually.
Simply not affording to minimize the fire threat ongoing is to share the future plans of development, as proven in the past. Doubling down is SOP. Collection of federal funds to assist in relinquishing the fire threat is how they got this far with so little water on tap to fight such a disaster as this.
On Feb 9th, 1971 the Saugus-Newhall earthquake was largely caused by over pumping the water table in the mountains just north of the area. 36 foot drop in well levels in a single year at a brand new municipal owned water well field designed to supply what the county of LA was short of. They pumped without abandonment. 9 months after that all started, the 7.1 quake hit. I was there. Ended up working for USGS Technophysics. I have the report published by them. Lone Pine is another area where LA County owns 99% of the land & water rights. The whole so cal area has always and will always be starving for water resources. I'm just sorry for the aggressiveness of the real estate, state & city officials that failed those folks who lost everything once again. All do to excessive poor planning. If you live in the hills, having a pool in the backyard is a lifesaver for you & your neighbors.
During the Buffalo/Denver football game CBS had a graphic showing both team's logos with a burning split line between the two corners. WTG CBS.