Update #2. Cab is off!
Disconnected everything that was connecting the body to the frame. Wiring harnesses, steering shaft, speedometer cable, parking brake brake, battery, clutch master, intake, radiator, condenser. Cut out all the things I knew I wasn't going to re-use and saved the rest.
Next was the fun part of undoing the cab/frame bolts. Let's just say there was a LOT of rust on the mounts. More than I was expecting. This truck has been in NY/NJ for its entire life so I'm not entirely surprised. The front 2 radiator bolts came out with my 1/2 air impact; but the rear 4 cab mounts wouldn't break free at all. Had to have a buddy give me a hand with a breaker bar and a 4ft cheater bar and finally broke half of them. I've got new duff poly bushings/hardware going in.
The next few pictures are of the cab mounts/bushings, well what's left of them. I'm going to have to repair/replace 5 out of 6 of them. I can't seem to find anything but the 2 rearmost ones available for sale. The mid ones are riveted in; so new ones could be bolt in; but I can't seem to find any online. If anyone's got any insight to this that would be great; if not I'll just have to cut out the rust and repair as I can.
Mid-Passenger Below
Below are the front radiator ones; these are going to need to be completely rebuilt as they're welded in; and the rust is BAD. Will repair but the hard part is going to be finding out where the center of the hole was supposed to be. Not much in the way of reference points left. This the the passenger side and the drivers side wasn't much better. Might have to have someone measure another ranger to get some comparisons.
Below is the passenger rear. The 1 good mount! I didn't take a picture of it but this was the one corner where the bushing that was COMPLETLY uncompressed. The other bushings must have started failing and the cab was leaning letting off all the pressure from this one. My guess it's been like this a long time like this to not have any rust on this corner.
As well I'm going to need a new radiator core support. I've been looking on/off for the last 18 months knowing I needed one from the visible rust I could see from the top and it's been out of stock EVERYWHERE. 93/94 is different than every other year; and of course that's the one that's out of stock. I check once a month every single site I know of to get replacement new autobody parts. I checked Rock Auto last night for the heck of it after finally getting the cab off; and sure enough they have one back in stock! I couldn't believe it. What great timing! $75 for the part and $150 for the shipping but it'll be well worth it. Will be much easier to modify the new one to accommodate the twin turbo setup anyways.
Getting the motor/trans out was actually quite simple compared to the rest of this. 2 motor mount bolts and 2 trans mount bolts. Undid the power steering lines, the header bolts and she's out.
Above is how it sits right now. Currently 16 hours in. Going to keep track of the time I work on it since it might be a neat thing to know. I tried to use a cheap plasma cutter that I bought on amazon and it was DOA so have to return that and get a new one for next week.
Next update I'll be removing the fuel tank, brake lines, chassis wiring harness and removing/cutting out all the unneeded front suspension bracketry. Will also try and mock up the AJE kit to see how it looks over what I cut out. Overall the frame itself is very solid, as is the underside of the cab thankfully nothing major, just some surface rust which I'll clean up and paint to protect against future corrosion before putting the cab back down.
Shame the truck has all brand new front suspension. Dream beams, new springs/tie rods/bushings; mostly moog. Converted to the 95-97 spindles with EBC pads/rotors. Everything all with less than 1000 miles, some surface rust since it was in a flood; but everything still solid. Might post it up on the classifieds if someone wants it who's local rather than just sending it to the scrap.
If anyone has any suggestions/complaints for the format of these posts I'm making feedback is welcome. If not, cya in the next update; hopefully another week or two away!