Well, instead of attempting to bend things that may not need to be bent, i did another test.
I installed the same new u joint on another yoke, and used the larger C clips.
I had precisely the same outcome. I didn’t measure anything, but I remember the amount of extra force required the get it in, and then also the amount of tightness which was virtually frozen.
I then uninstalled and reinstalled with two old thinner clips and it turns out perfectly. Everything is snug, and it spins very smoothly and freely.
The next test will be to install a second identical model U joint on that previous yoke that also had this issue yesterday.
I think that if i again have the exact same results, then all evidence points to the fact that these clips are just too thick to work with these axle shafts from 1989, for whatever reason.
I would further consider the idea that the yokes need to be bent apart a bit if it was just one of them and if they varied a bit. But so far they have the exact same amount of tightness and visually they appear to have the same clip thickness needed.
As for the idea of the banging the installed yoke/joint so that it settles into place.. I honestly don’t see how that could work since the THICKER problematic clips are just sitting fully flush on the inside of each yoke ear. They have absolutely nowhere to move inward or outward to allow the u joint or the caps to settle anyway different.
I did bang with a rubber mallet the finished joint/yoke that i just did with the smaller clips, and it did seem to make a little bit of difference in joint mobility. Seemed like it was already pretty good but then it got even smoother. I DO think that’s what y’all are referring to here in this process, haha. I DON’T think you’re referring to a u joint that is so siezed that you almost need a hammer to move it at all, and then this u joint being free’d up just by tapping on the yoke a bunch. I’m pretty convinced that i need the thinner clips. I only have three old thin ones that are salvageable, so i have to put a pause in this process and either go buy a bunch of thinner clips or go right ahead and start grinding down the new ones.