So I thought I finished the distributor replacement. Got it all hooked up. Removed the spout plug. Warmed up the engine. Adjusted to 10deg btdc. Tightened the bolt. Rechecked. Still good. Put the spout back in. RPMs jumped up a bit. Timing was at 28deg. Thought I read somewhere that it was supposed to do that. When I revved the engine, the timing changed. I didn't take note of how much at what rpm. Anyway, it seemed to be running nicely. Turned it off.
Got the dog in the truck to go for a test drive. When I tried to pull out of the driveway, it seemed rough and lacking power. I had to give it more accelerator than normal to get up the incline out if my driveway. Went just over a mile, turned around and came back. It never improved.
I guess I'll re-check the timing again on Monday. Don't feel like messing with it any more today. Could I have damaged something plugging in the spout with the engine running? Was I supposed to do that with engine off?