Spark is very weak and intermittent, should see white/blue spark, looked orange to me red/yellow is a very weak spark
How old is the Coil?
Test voltage at coil with key on, should show Battery Voltage
Hook up spark plug directly to coil(using spark plug wire), by passing the distributor, see what color spark you get, spark will be much faster, lol
As said you want white/blue
If its white/blue directly from coil then you are losing spark voltage in coil to cap wire or distributor cap and rotor
If its still orange then coil or its voltage, + and -, is the issue
With spark plug hooked up to the coil and key on, unplug the coils "-" terminal or both terminals and you will get 1 spark, each time you connect it and disconnect it you get 1 spark, see what color that spark is
If the coil is not getting full battery volts or TFI is not fully disconnecting the Ground, "-" terminal, then you don't get a full discharge from the coil, so weak spark