Mine was give to me, his only stipulation, he wanted it gone!
I had an 80 Chevy LUV at the time, and it wasn't in great shape at all, but I'd been driving it all over Nashville'
His truck was very rusty but it had a good motor in it, they had bought that part new. It was dead on side the road outside his house and went over there tinkering with it. Cleaned the battery cables, then the ground connection, it fired right up. Drove it home using the gears and planning well ahead.
Put it on stands and spent the next couple months pecking around on it with a chipping hammer and wire brush, and about 50 cans of black spray paint.
The Chevy LUV gave it up and a week of solid chippin and scrubbin later I had it on the road. Used it for a work truck 3 or 4 years, did a lot of gov't auctions, drove it to Huntsville NASA more than anywhere, but once to Montgomery, a two day trip due to bad timing, once up to Indianapolis, twice to Louisville, once to Andersonville Ga, probably my longest trip and did it in one long long long two day one and a half day trip
I sold it fore leaving TN but I had the 93 then
I left out the rusted brake lines, and that someone had patched in a rubber hose. I think he got in a tight spot with wife and baby onboard, why he just wanted it gone.
It was a great little truck but sure rusted all to hell.
Once on the freeway, right down town, busiest stretch in TN I heard this loud CHING!! after hitting another bump. When I got home and looked around under there the hood and fender were sitting low. I dug up a short angle and put it in there, pulled up on the radiator rail and popped it right in there, no welds bolts or nothing, and that's what held it up from that day forward
I figured if the floor had busted I'd be riding down the freeway in my bucket seat