Sorry for the lack of updates. I should have one soon as we are currently in the process of designing and fabbing my custom front winch bumper. It’s going to be a hybrid of plate and tube style. I’ll coat it with Raptor and adorn it with some LEDs of course. Trying to make something that fits with the old school style and looks like it still belongs there.
Product update. The headlights I installed for this truck are absolutely amazing. They are better light than many OEM lights in newer vehicles and the cutoff is perfect. Highly recommend. Let’s hope they last a long time.
The Auxbeam switch control is awesome. Highly recommend. It memorizes the lights you had on and you can turn them all off and back on real quick with one button.
The stereo is installed and sounds great. I’ll post some pics soon as I forgot to snap some.
Also going to make a custom mount for an electric inverter I’ve hardwired and probably fab a 2 unit gun rack for the back wall. Other future plans will be a removable chainsaw mount to the box for those blown in roads. We have a lot of old burns that have trees come down daily so it’s always good to pack a saw.
And thanks again for the nomination and support of those that voted for me for TOTM for November. Truly flattered. Thank you.