Time to put it up for the winter?
Yep. I need to get my truck in the garage to start doing more "upgrades" on it too.
Anyway, had a week to reflect on the camper.
Tie downs worked great, the clamp on ones I used prior were always "working". It took a couple times before they quit getting loose, these I set them once and then kept checking them and nothing ever moved.
Sway bar again was a godsend, high winds aside I could stand to drive it anywhere.
Need to fix the heater but the stove works great.
Snagged little light sensitive "ambient" lights that just plug in, worked great for lighting in the dark when plugged into the outlet on the transformer.
Door needs work. I think I really need to just gut it and rebuild it but it does work for now. Also the door latch needs replaced, the bolt keeps sticking which is scary with little kids in the camper, its a long ways down if they lean on the door and it isn't latched.
Pop up camper stands worked good but I need more blocking and I need them behind the axle too. As it was they were about as extended as they go.
I need more big lego levelling blocks, truck was down by the nose 3* per my garmin. Never noticed it inside but if I had another set (or two) I could use them for the camper stands too.
Fan vent will make a welcome addition especially with the stove.
Still want to fix the clearance lights, I doubt anybody will ever really care if they work but it would be nice if they did. IF they did I would probably get in more trouble with the cops thinking the middle ones in the front are out (never had anything aside from on the corners though)
Need good pillows too. Mine is kinda whooped but on a normal matress a guy sinks in more so it kinda works out. The camper matress doesn't have as mush so a less than ideal pillow ends up being weak.