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  1. 1999 3.0 Off Road power loss & sounds like jet engine

    Hey All, Been fixing this thing up for a couple months now, getting ready for inspection. My CEL has been on for a while & I've been trying to trouble-shoot that, but it's been driving great, so wasn't top priority. Unfortunately, this week something changed dramatically. It idles ok. Sometimes...
  2. P1506 Code and Slow return to Idle

    So I've been Lurking around trying different tips on solving this P1506 code and I cant seem to solve it or my Idle problem. The Engine idles at 900 when stationary, but the main issue is when moving and pushing in the clutch or shifting to neutral, the idle stays or even revs up to 3000 revs...
  3. Troubleshooting EGR Error Code P0401

    Hello fellow forum members - Long time lurker that's picked up lots of useful information, but am now in need of some help. I'm working on my 1996 Ranger with a 4.0L. It has the P0401 EGR Flow Trouble Code. I've read countless postings on here to try and learn as much as I could. From what...
  4. Misfires on warm start?

    Hey everybody, really been enjoying reading all the information here. I bought a lovely 2001 3.0L XLT with flare sides about a year ago and our relationship has been on the rocks for the past few weeks. I'm getting conflicting signals and not sure really what's going on. I'm having rough...

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