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  1. Eddie85

    Clutch Adjustment ?

    I have a 85 Bronco II that my clutch just started slipping on. Is there a way to adjust the free play in my clutch? There is absolutely no free play which I am pretty sure is where my problem is coming from.
  2. 01 ranger clutch issues

    My clutch is starting to grab almost right away when i start to let it out. And when i press in on my clutch it is real soft till about halfway then it feels normal the rest of the way. Also while driving it is hard to shift into any gear, especially 1st and reverse. All these things seem to...
  3. 92 ranger stx clutch issues?

    ok, so my kid brother has a 92 ford ranger stx 4x4 with a 2.9L engine and a 5 speed standard trans. i have not had a chance to look at it yet but he says that in the morning when it's cold the truck is hard to get into gear as if the clutch is not disengaging and later in the day as it warms up...

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