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  1. 1992 ford ranger v6 3.0

    So here is the scoop. I have recently got a 1992 Ford Ranger v6 3.0 180,000 miles. I have had a few problems with it but nothing major. I have one problem left, the truck rattles when the clutch is not pushed in, I push the clutch all the way to the floor and the noise stops. I have been...
  2. tenga

    Clutch problems

    So I have an 88 ranger, 2.9L, FM146 transmission with the 4.0 clutch swap. about 2 months ago my clutch peddle started getting spongy, after about a month and a half it wouldn't disengage until in just about hit the floor. So I ended up bleeding it. It fixed it, but it was only a few weeks...
  3. dumb problem

    First of all I have a 02 ranger 4x4 with a 4.0 motor and a manual transmission. I am trying to remove the transmission on my ranger, I have all the bolts and everything out, I have pulled my shifter off and followed every step in the Chilton manual pulling drive lines transfer case ect. It...
  4. chasemyranger

    Clutch noise (sounds like im barking the tires)

    My truck with just over 110,000, and a manual 5spd tranny, started having a transmission/clutch squeak last summer, and if it happens it is only when i am taking off. My dads semi trucks don't do this, my other truck doesn't do it, and well i haven't really heard it at all before, it sounds...
  5. 94 Explorer 4WD- Clutch job

    Im having to change the clutch in our 94 Explorer and I just have a couple questions: Does anyone know how to get the y-pipe unbolted? And how do I disconnect the "tranny line"(?) The gold fitting that goes into the tranny near the top on the drivers side. Also, we live in a smaller town...
  6. texastintchick

    HELP! Tranny issue

    So I bought my son a 1999 B2500 standard transmission truck. When I test drove it it was fine. But after I bought it and it had a chance to warm up it would no longer go into gear. It shifts fine for about 20 minutes then if you come to a stop sign and try to shift into any gear... NO WAY...
  7. Tranny rattling while idling..

    Hello. everyone.. I have a 1995 XL 2.3 5-speed.. When it's idling, it rattles from near the bellhousing. It only rattles at idle speeds and when the clutch pedal is out. If i have it idling, then push the clutch in, it stops rattiling. Also, the pedal doesn't go all the way up. It feels...
  8. 84bluebronco2

    Clutch on my 1994 Explorer XLT.

    Hey Everyone, My truck has a bit of squeal under moderate to heave throttle, and under load (hills and such). If I depress the clutch, the sound is gone, and does not happen when revved in neutral with clutch engaged. There is no chattering or rough engagement in 1st gear, although it will not...
  9. M50D-R1HD Creeping/Wont go into gear, NOT the slave cylinder

    Havent posted on this thing in years, but have been having problems with my Tranny. I’ve got an 04 Ranger, Fx4 Level 2, Manual Tranny, 4 wheel drive, 4.0L SOHC. Mazda M50D-R1HD, with Borg Warner 1345 TC At about 40k miles it on the extreme rare occasion would be difficult to get into 1st gear...
  10. Weird start up problem

    I have a 1998 ranger Xlt I4 with a manual transmission. When put it in nuetral and just let the clutch run and it starts just like a normal engine, but after a few seconds (maybe 10) the engine seems to sputter down and chug at a slower rate causing the vehicle to shake. After a few seconds of...
  11. Clutch Failure??

    Hey All, I just bought an '01 Ranger XLT 4x4 w/ the 4.0L V6 and 5 speed manual transmission about a month ago. A couple days ago, it started getting really hard to put into gear, and I cursed myself for not paying attention to the squishy feeling clutch sooner. After reading the awesome tech...
  12. clutch setup

    im ordering the cnc slave cylinder for the t5 swap what other parts am i going to need to convert a t5 to a hydralic clutch?
  13. 5.0 swap 1985 ranger help

    So I've swapped a 302 into my 1985 ranger and don't know what to do for the clutch throwout, was hoping to be able to maintain the hydraulic system. It's got the late 80's early 90's mustang t5 bellhousing and a t5 transmission. I was hoping for parts I could use to adapt it to the factory...
  14. Odd trans/Clutch issue

    Hey All, I have a 2003 4x4 4.0 ranger with the 5 speed manual (duh) and electric Tcase. Since installing a new clutch (the Centerforce dual friction-there is another thread about that) I have had an intermittent problem with getting into first or reverse when stopped after the clutch pedal has...
  15. Desert Rat 23

    What's that noise?

    Hey all, new to this site and this is my first thread. Searched for an answer but couldn't find it. Hope I'm not repeating an old covered subject. Got a '97 xlt 2.3L 4 banger with a noise I can't pin down. It's a knocking sound kinda like a diesel and kinda like that marble sound the 4.0's get...
  16. Desert Rat 23

    Need help to i.d. a noise...

    Hey all, new to this site and this is my first thread. Searched for an answer but couldn't find it. Hope I'm not repeating an old covered subject. Got a '97 xlt 2.3L 4 banger with a noise I can't pin down. It's a knocking sound kinda like a diesel and kinda like that marble sound the 4.0's get...
  17. Pulling Out Clutch?

    You may have seen my previous posts about getting the fitting that is stuck in the slave cylinder out. Well now I've tried about every reverse drill bit, and easy out that is even remotely small enough to even think about using. (also broke 3 drill bits :lame:). So I'm about give up after...
  18. Fitting stuck on internal slave cylinder

    Alright guys, I'm really hoping you guys can help me out. So we were putting a new hydraulic line on my 87' ford ranger today from the master cylinder to the slave cylinder. All went well, we got the end of the line into the master cylinder successfully, until we got to the slave cylinder. The...
  19. Clear tube for bleeding clutch

    hey guys, I have an 87' ford ranger. and when you bleed the clutch it is kind of hard to get the clear tubing on to the dust cap, I think I might be using a clear tubing of the wrong size. Can someone please tell me what size clear tubing I should be using? Thanks.
  20. Schwinnstingray1964

    So i need some help.

    About a Year ago, The clutch pedal on my 92 had sunk all the way to floor. I put in a new master cylinder, and the pedal came back up. 1st question, The hose that goes to the slave, Is it supposed to have an o-ring on it? Does anyone have a picture of said o-ring. 2nd question, Where is...

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