answered my own question. This is the cheapest most simplest answer. The author is a pure genius.
Adding Manual Control To Your 1998-2000 Ford Ranger Pulse Vacuum Hubs
just look this up in tech section
Boy am I glad all the tech we have now was not around as we grew up. Small towns get boring. So .. incredibly stupid fun things tend to happen just to break the monotony. . I was definitely a wild one. For at least 5 years of my youth, my favorite thing was to get the local police after me...
Just my opinion. But I have always had a firm belief, if a 4 wheeler can go through it ,so can my ranger. 30’s and 31’s is all I have ran on either of mine. The 2.9l has 30.5’s . Mainly rutted hills and big mud holes and creek crossings around here. Buckshot mudders have always been a favorite...
Doesn’t seem to be above factory stall rpm to me . So far it has performed as a good transmission should. Drove it today without it flashing the light.
BUT have definitely learned to listen intently when you comment on anything. And I appreciate you always having the time and patience to help...
Got er in finally. Drove great. Shifted great… but blinking OD LIGHT.. the trans had been sitting in a shop for some time now,with only maybe a qt of fluid in it. Got a code . I cleared it this afternoon. Gonna drive it a little more and check the codes again.. shifted like a newly built...
Just got it back going again 🥃🥃 it has around 212k. Had what looked like a shop name and date on top of it.. but it had a blue, looked factory,torque converter in it .. unsure what was done at that time.
Been snowed in for a week. Negative windchills. It’s slowly warming. Built a tarp tent around my 99 ranger when the sleet first started. These pictures were taken today from inside. Didn’t even have the heat on yet. Think I have done more drinking than mechanical work 😎🥃
Finished up the tarp tent around my 99 4x4 ranger today. Just in time ! The sleet started falling as I got it finished. Now the dirty talking begins till she finally rolls over for me. Hehe..will be a little bit slow. But nothing stops this old Devil Dog
Mine is right at 200k miles. First transmission problem. But it happened as it went to fifth. Felt like the shaft hit the floorboard. Then. No gears. But but rpm will actually increase when you shift through the gears
Transmission pump is working. Won’t move in any gear. But can hear a rpm change when you go through the gears. Has a little high pitched whine when truck is running.
Think if you complete the loop by tying the wires that went to fluid level sensor it will go off. Sure it’s not stuck in 4high If push button. Think they have to go to high first. Then low. My understanding is it will not go to low, unless it goes to High first. So possibly stuck in High...
May want to check the fuel tank. They tend to get full of trash. As you drive it gets worse. When you shut it off it lets the trash fall off. Runs better for short while. Then the trash clogs the sock filter on the pump again. Most people never check when they put in a new pump
I don’t think its
the transfer case. I can hear it shift in and out when I push the button. Keep putting off transmission removal. WAITING ON A JACK. BOUGHT One on Amazon. There was problems with shipping. Just got refunded. But will have to wait again for it to arrive. My younger days I have...
I’m thinking the rubber grommets in the valve cover. They are wore out. Not sure if vacuum would make one run so bad after heating up that it would barely move in low range. lol. But 30 minutes later. Drive like new. This thing has had me confused for a while.
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