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Search results

  1. Bray D

    First year with a plow

    I got my hands on an old 7' 6" Western Unimount and modified the frame to work with my truck. We'll see how well it does this winter. Just doing my driveway for now. Nothing commercial by any means. Still clears the headlights, so I could run it down the road if necessary. I drove into...
  2. Bray D

    Toys for Tots - Badlands

    I'll be at the Toys for Tots event at the Badlands in Attica, IN on Dec. 7th. I'm considering signing up for a guided trail run too. I think they're held at Mission Impossible and I've never been there before so it'd be cool to check that out. Anyone been on the 'formal' guided runs at the...
  3. Bray D

    Leaky BW1350M shift shaft

    I've had mine apart multiple times and replaced the oring that seals the manual shift shaft on the BW1350. It seems like I always have a slight leak. Hasn't been a huge issue, but it eats at me. Has anyone got one to seal up? The sealing surface in the case sucks. Ford should've come up with a...
  4. Bray D

    U.A. Ranger towrig.

    Thread title fail. U.A. rigs don't have tow vehicles. :thefinger:
  5. Bray D

    Stortest 12" travel shock-eye to eye

    No I haven't searched. I'm lazy. :thefinger: Thinkin of lowering the back of my truck 1-2 inches to level it back out. I've got rancho 9000's on it now, they're too long with the adjustable valving and such. I just want a cheap, short, 12" travel shock to slap on the rear so I can lower it...
  6. Bray D

    Low idle when cold

    I searched and couldn't find anything (on the first page anyways :D). Everything I found was for high idle. Anyways, upon first startup it idles low, like 6-800rpm until the engine gets up to temp. Once its at temp it idles fine around 1k. Ambient air temp here is ~50-60 degrees. New plugs...
  7. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    Whether it falls together or not, its going together! haha. This summer will be a good one for sure. Second garage eh? A lil extra room is always nice.
  8. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    haha nice. Truck is coming along nicely. Engine is installed, wired up, rad. installed, ps lines connected, fuel lines connected, etc. Went to install the trans and I had the wrong flywheel. Just got that straightened out today. Should be here Weds. Hope to get the trans in and fire it up Friday...
  9. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    Move the Chevy into your garage, cut all the fat off, then move it onto a trailer and lets go wheelin! (no comments about my truck's status. I keel you!)
  10. Bray D

    spacer between trans and engine

    I've got one for an auto, but I'm using a manual. I was just gonna cut the inside out of it, so its like 'gasket'. Bolt pattern are the same between the auto and the manual so it'll fit. I figured it was needed for spacing issues. I'd hate for the trans input shaft to bottom out in the crank...
  11. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    lol, I know man. New rig looks good. :icon_thumby:
  12. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

  13. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    The amount of money someone puts into a vehicle is of their own discretion. I could buy an entire quad for the amount of money I've got into my front axle. That being said, you could buy an entire truck for the price some people have into the quad suspensions/etc. I can haul a quad in the bed...
  14. Bray D

    Build Thread - 1-ton Chevy Swap

    Quads are financially and logistically easier to own and wheel.
  15. Bray D

    4.0 ecu

    I guess its time I ask. I've searched for a while and it seems there's no straight forward answer. I'm swapping a 97 explorer 4.0 into my 96 ranger, and need an ecu that will work. I assume the year of my truck is irrelevant, since the ECU controls the engine/trans. So I think I need an ECU...
  16. Bray D

    4.0 OHV rebuild kits

    Does anyone make rebuild kits for these engines or do you have to piece one together yourself? I've got the heads at the machine shop right now getting freshened up. What needs to be done to the bottom end? Rings/crank journal bearings/cam bearings/etc? By observation the bottom end looks...
  17. Bray D

    headers with EGR

    I'll admit, I haven't really searched. Hoped you guys would know off the top of your heads. Maybe its a dumb question. I assume most headers are EGR-less. Do any companies make a header with the EGR tube on it?
  18. Bray D

    4.0 cleanup

    Alright guys, I've got the 4.0 out of my donor. It came out of a 94 explorer with an auto, and is going into my 96 ranger with an m5od. I want the swap to go as smooth as possible (duh) so I'd like to remove as much unnecessary crap as possible. What sensors/etc. can toss in the trash without...
  19. Bray D

    3.0 m5od internals in a 4.0 m5od

    How difficult is the swap? I've never had a trans apart before - is it something I could do by myself or is there 200 bucks worth of special tools I'd have to buy? I like to think I'm pretty mechanically apt :D but I have to rationalize the added cost of swapping internals for the lower gear...
  20. Bray D

    3rd Gen steering crossmember

    I've been using this crossmember for a long time as a front tow point. Last weekend I got yanked a bit hard and it damn near ripped the crossmember off. I haven't even taken it completely off to see what I've got to work with yet, but I thought I'd post up to see what other guys have done when...

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