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  1. Brake pressure doesn't always match

    2002 Ranger 4x4 XLT. About 18 months ago, I started to have the rear wheels lock up at low speed light application braking, but only 1 would do it. So I replaced the brake cylinders, as with 220k miles I figured they were due, and they are cheap. Many months later, the same thing happened...
  2. 1998-2011 Coilover Brackets Still Available?

    I've been poking around with this idea, and it seems RicksRangerz has them available. Or at least, makes them on demand. His FB page is active.
  3. Swapping +1 wheels

    Thanks. I'm not looking to crank it to max, as I still need to daily the truck. Good to know you can crank it a little and be ok on ride.
  4. Swapping +1 wheels

    I appreciate the responses. While digging, I did see references to the offset, and realized I might need some spacers or aftermarket wheels to do it properly. But it seems like with the proper offset, slightly larger tires can be run with minimal lifting, as the primary rubbing is from offset...
  5. Swapping +1 wheels

    Hey everyone. I'm going to be due for some new tires in the next few months, and I'm considering upsizing a bit. This is on a completely stock 2002 Ranger 4x4 Offroad, and I have the stock 245/75/16 on it currently. Instead of going up to a 265/75/16(31.6") or a 285/75/16(32.8"), I'm thinking I...
  6. 2002 4x4 acting a fool

    I ordered a new control module. If this one lasted 20 years, no reason a brand new Ford one won't last another 20. Hopefully some of the processes used to make it have improved a bit. In the meantime, I wrapped my current module in aluminum foil, to reflect the heat from the HVAC system away...
  7. 2002 4x4 acting a fool

    That one part is not on those vehicles for a reason. At a pull it yourself place, that almost always translates to a part that has a (relatively) high failure rate. And by the 4th, 5th, or 6th vehicle I've seen missing the part, I no longer want that part used. Especially if several of the...
  8. 2002 4x4 acting a fool

    I mean, this is the factory original part, and it's 20 years old at this point. I certainly don't think it's a flawed system. And I rather like the electronic shift vs a manual one. Just as I rather like power windows, vs reaching across the truck to roll up the window on the opposite side...
  9. 2002 4x4 acting a fool

    Well it is definitely my control module. I took it out of the plastic case, had it hooked up. Truck in run, and turned it to 4hi. Went in no problem, twice. Heated the control module up with a heat gun, and then the truck failed to go into 4hi. Took the module out, waved it around in the...
  10. 2002 4x4 acting a fool

    2002 Ranger, 4.0 auto trans. I replaced the 4wd motor about 2 years ago, so it fairly new. And the problem I'm having, is after I drive somewhere, it doesn't want to engage. Example: I leave my house in the morning, engage 4wd just fine to get out of my neighborhood with all the snow. Back to...
  11. 02 vs 07 trans

    I have a 2002 4.0 auto. Looking to source a used trans replacement. Rockauto lists the 01-03 trans as compatible. 07-11 is supposedly different. There is a 07 at my local yard. Is it a compatible trans?
  12. 2002 4.0 misfires

    That's not possible. The spark plug wires came apart when I removed them, and so I tossed them. Along with the plugs that were in the truck when I got it. It also doesn't make sense, because I've tried 2 sets of wires, and 2 sets of plugs since this started, with no change. So it can't be the...
  13. 2002 4.0 misfires

    Well, I'm still getting idle misfires on this. Replacing the upstream oxygen sensors fixed the long term fuel trims, and brought them to around -5 now, instead of the -12 they were hovering around. PCV valve replaced Did a DIY smoke test, and couldn't find any vacuum leaks Removed, cleaned...
  14. 2002 4.0, what is this?

    Gotcha, thanks! Separating those wires seems to have improved the idling, as they seemed to be touching when I first noticed it
  15. 2002 4.0, what is this?

    Just noticed this on my 2002 4.0. Not sure what it goes to, as the wires disappear under the intake manifold.
  16. 2002 4.0 misfires

    I believe I finally have my answer! Long term fuel trims were consistently negative, and spark plugs kept showing lean. Looks like I have a bad O2 sensor.
  17. Fuel pressure leak

    I do have a second gauge (I own one, but no ford schrader adapter). I got the parts store rental one, because it has the right adapter. I can swap the two and check again. I already replaced the fuel filter. It's a new to me truck, so that was on the short list to get done, along with plugs and...
  18. Fuel pressure leak

    2002 4.0 After replacing plugs and wires, I've been getting idle misfires, but no codes. Decided to check fuel pressure, especially since it's been getting harder to start lately. If I turn on/off multiple times, it will start right up. Hooked up the gauge today, and I get instant fuel pressure...
  19. 2002 4.0 misfires

    It occurred to me, as I set out on a 2000 mile trip, that the other thing I had done when I changed the plugs, was clean the MAF. And I was still having issues on this trip. Just swapped the MAF with a used one, and seems better on first drive. I knew it couldn't be the plugs anymore, because...
  20. 2002 4.0 misfires

    Update: discovered I had some less than perfect threads on 4 & 5. The plugs were not threading in all the way, so I ordered a reverse thread chaser to clean them up. Plugs go in all the way now, and everything is gapped to 0.062. So far, seems to be running well. Time to drive it and see how it...

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