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  1. P1309 & Oil Gaguge Issues

    *Hello. I replaced my Cam Sync with a new one and ever since I have had a P1309 Code. The oil Gauge also "Bounces". I will explain more below. 1). I replaced the Cam Sync with a new one with the sensor. I matched it up exactly like it was with the old one and used the tool that came with...
  2. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    I bought a Dorman 689-117 with the tool and sensor included. I tried the new and old sensors. I have the old sensor on as of right now and the new Dorman cam sync. I tried a new cam sensor and new cam sync same issue. The ring on the bottom of the cam is cracked on the original Ford one so I...
  3. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Ok. Today I removed the NEG Battery cable and waited 2 min to reset the computer. After 12 miles the P1309 Code came back on...the others went away and have stayed away so far at 40 miles.....It runs but I can't seem to get this code to drop. *I am trying to digest what might be the issue. I...
  4. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    After a few miles driving the p1409 code is gone. These are the codes I am left with. p1303 and p0353 and the attached IM Readings. The Cat-EGR-EVAP are always a Red X...here the O2 and the HRT are now Red X also. Thanks for any input possible. I am hoping to get input of what I did wrong and...
  5. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Hello. Okay, I have reseated the cam sensor three times and used both the new one and the old Ford sensor. I also used an electrical cleaner in it, as you suggested. It was still a no-go. I tried again to line up the Cam Sync and got a guy to help who said he was a 30 year Ford mechanic... he...
  6. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Ok, so I figured out what the "Squeal" really was. When I was driving on the freeway the wheel bearings on my passenger side front tire went out and I had to tow her home. Sad Face. *So, I assume the cam sync may not have even been bad. I assumed the jumping oil gauge and the squeal was the cam...
  7. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Thanks for the replies! I am going to check the squeal out further to make sure it is not what you said a pully or something intermittent. I do not hear it at idle, however..... I noticed the turn when installing the Cam Sync...my issue is that I cant tell how to make sure it is aligned...
  8. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Ok, I am trying to digest that information on the install...lol. I lined it up one section off from where I took out the old one...I used the tool that came with the cam sync but not sure ti was done right. *Once I replaced the CAM Sync truck fired up but after a few miles I got a P1309 Code...
  9. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Thanks for your reply. I got the new one I'm. I took a pic of it before I tried to try and line it up exactly as it was when removed.... but cam sync only would drop one way.....the notch in the image is slightly to the left....when installed here the center notch was pointing directly north...
  10. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Update: I was finally able to remove the cam sync. When I got it out it had metal shavings in the sync like the images below. I am going to get a new sync..... Did this cause any damage does anyone think? The black metal shavings are making me wonder what happened to the cam sync to do this...
  11. Help with Cam Syncronizer removal.

    Hello. Thanks for reading my Post. I am trying to replace the cam synchronizer in my 99 V6 Ranger. I took out the two 5.5mm screws and the 10mm screw and marked it and took pics. The issue is that I can't remove the cam sync at all. I can't pull it out, turn it, or move it at all, so I'm...
  12. EVAP Issues and Codes after new fuel pump. Can I drive?

    Thanks for the input! After driving another 50 miles the Dash CEL light went off?? The Codes are still stored in the module but they just vanished from the dash.? Like 3 days then went away on their own. I was told a battery can cause a p0320 in a ranger but I hear a lot of things.....so much...
  13. EVAP Issues and Codes after new fuel pump. Can I drive?

    Hello. Thanks for reading my post! I have been having issues with my EVAP system for a while now. Recently I had a no-crank no-start issue so I replaced the fuel filter and the truck ran fine for 2-3 days. Then it started having hard crank no-start issues. So, I replaced the fuel pump and...
  14. Hard Start Issues

    Okay, so after a few days, I had all kinds of issues and codes. So, I am going to outline the issues in a new post with codes, etc. Thanks.
  15. Hard Start Issues

    Thanks for the replies. I will see if the IM/READINESS resets after some more driving. It seems to have started up fine now, but I'm waiting to see if it stabilizes or if the issue returns. Maybe the battery needed to settle in......There is so much to learn about automotive as to symptoms and...
  16. Hard Start Issues

    Hello. Thanks for reading my post. I am having Hard Start issues with my Ranger. Last month I posted on the forum about a No crank no Start issue. After review and replacing the fuel filter the truck started right up and ran for a week. Then the same issue; turn key and nothing, no start or...
  17. Crank but no start.

    Thanks. I got the clips with what you said and put it right in. So, for now, she's on the road again like Willie Nelson. *I am sure I'll be back soon enough....... Thanks, Brain 75 and Ranger Station!
  18. Crank but no start.

    Nice! Is this a Junkyard item or is it something I can find at an Auto Zone? My only issue finding parts is usually getting the part name correct....lol. *Thanks Sensei! I need to drive!
  19. Crank but no start.

    I do have genuine Ford keys. I just had a second set cut to make sure I have spares. Ok, I got a new Motorcraft Fuekl Filter today FG-991...put it in. BAM she started right up?? *Question is I had a code for EVAP leak before this. I noticed when changing the filter that one side, the black...
  20. Crank but no start.

    Ok, my friend was not able to come over today. However, I am going to the store tomorrow AM to get the following: 1.) T55 Bit to remove truck bed? Is this the best-easiest way to replace a fuel pump? 2.) A fuel pressure test kit with an adapter that fits the Schrader valve stem. I read some kits...

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