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  1. 2.3L ('83-'97) 89 4 cyl ranger engine

    i have a 89 4 cyl ranger 2300 i need a motor what else will work?? what years?? i cant find one here in wv, any thing else will work thanks
  2. 04 ranger makes weard noise

    your rightand i know better aswell i work part time in a garage and its a customers truck i was helping trouble shout it turns out transfer case is bad
  3. 04 ranger makes weard noise

    yes on pavement, pritty sure its transfur case bad chain real loose
  4. 04 ranger makes weard noise

    04 ranger 4.0 auto trans in 4x4 makes a loud clunking noise a bout ever thousand feet in 4x4 only its like sonething is catching and leting loose, all 4 tires are the same size it has had anouther rearend put in not long ago dont think its comming fron the front end we have check all axels and...
  5. 4x4

    pulled no 10 fuse put it back in 4x4 light went out, probly coulda unhooked the battery and got it out to thinking bad module
  6. 4x4

  7. 4x4

    4x4 is lit up in the dash, pritty sure it is not in 4x4, no clicking whe i turn the 4x4 switch, verrt cold here might have something to do with it
  8. 4x4

    not going in 4x4 dash light says its in 4x4 wont go out 2010 model
  9. 2.3L ('83-'97) 2.3 the good and bad

    nice one, if it pulls all that its a good one, i got one that was going to the crusher wondered if it was worth fixing the motor is partly apart so i wonder thanks
  10. 2.3L ('83-'97) 2.3 the good and bad

    89 2.3 ranger whats the good and whats the bad about these motors, what problems should i look for?? how many miles are thay good for//? thanks
  11. ford sport trac hard starting

    bought a nice sport trac tuesday 52k miles really nice. drove it today 30 miles stoped for gas wouldnt start couldnt tell if fuel pump was working to many bells keep trying finially let it set for a few and it started ran great any ideas??
  12. 03 ranger 4.0timing chanes

    how many miles will timing chanes last the one in back of motor worries me any ideas or thoughts
  13. 4.0 old verses new

    can u separate newer 4.0 from older ones on here:icon_pepsi:
  14. 4.2 v6 wore out

    anyn one out there ever changeg out a 4.2 v6 whats involved??whats the differences between 97 and 98 and up??have achance to get a nice 97 half way cheep needs a motor any thoiughts anyone ?
  15. my dads 2002 silverado

    one thing i learned about fuel pumps dont i repeat dont get a carter pump thayonly last from a few days to a year i tried several of these things on 3 differnt rangers all went bad these things are junk

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