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  1. slipshift

    Quick question regarding seat options for the B3000

    My '96 B4000 has those seats, very comfortable.
  2. slipshift

    Changing locks.

    The wire is attached to the key lock not the lock motor, I think it is part of the anti-theft system. Can I just pull the fuse to disable it and cut the wire? I need to change the locks.
  3. slipshift

    Changing locks.

    I'm changing the power door locks on a '96 B4000. There is a wire attached to them, what does it do and how can I disconnect them? My new locks don't have any provision to attach the wires, any help would be appreciated. TIA Jim
  4. slipshift

    Slave fitting not holding

    Clutch is replaced, trans in and all ready to go, except for bleeding the clutch. If I press the clutch pedal the quick-release fitting pops out. Originally it had a white plastic sleeve so I used a new one, with no luck. It also came with a clip that was supposed to be the new method but...
  5. slipshift

    For you Old Farts

    Since I'm a couple of months shy of 70, installing my transmission in my driveway solo isn't as easy as it used to be. I found a method that works and doesn't aggravate my sore back. With a pry bar, lift the trans a little and shove a wood block underneath. Fasten a chain around the trans and...
  6. slipshift

    Pilot bearing

    '97 Ranger XLT, 2.3L. How deep is the pilot bearing supposed to seat? It feels like it is seated but sticks up about 1/32". Will this hurt anything? Jim
  7. slipshift

    Rear oil seal installation

    I have a '97 Ranger XLT, 2.3 engine. Since I had to replace the clutch slave cylinder I thought I'd do the whole thing, new clutch, pilot bearing, flywheel, and rear oil seal. The problem is the new oil seal won't go in. It will almost seat by finger pressure and lightly tapping it will cause...
  8. slipshift

    Single-handed bed moving

    Sloppy title, I know, but I think I found an easy way for one person to move the bed back far enough to change the fuel pump. After everything is disconnected I was able to raise the rear of the bed enough to shove some pieces of wood underneath. When it's raised about a foot, take a 4" wood...
  9. slipshift

    eBay Fuel Pump

    I found a Ford fuel pump on eBay for a starting bid of $49.95. It's for a 1998 RANGER EXT CAB 4X4 WITH A 4.0 ENGINE AND AUTO TRANS. Part F87Z-9H307-CA. Unfortunately I have a '97 and it won't fit. Hope this can help someone else...
  10. slipshift

    Members By Location - Southern Midwest

    Mountain View, Arkansas :yahoo:

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