Might just need a little clean fuel and a little carbon cleaned out. All these guys in here help each other if they know the answer to the issue. Details, numbers and pics!! I would say if you search the forum for known issues you will find a thread on it... Dirty
1986 manual should have only two wires, correct?
"I still showed a 12v draw from negative pole to the negative clamp."
I'm confused. You need a clamp on on inline Amp meter to measure Current draw. On one wire at a time! Voltage is always there(12V) but until you close a circuit no...
It might have already been replaced and is wired in straight. If it is from Autozone, its soldered in. Had to solder in my sons 1989 but my 1987 had a pinch plug.
Now you can fill her up. Had about the same problem with a 1987. The tube on the inside came loose. Didn't find out why it leaked until I replaced the tank. I got lucky the outer tube was still pliable to use. Dirty
Look behind the glove box. The door sides squeezes past open to swing out and down. A black box mounted to a steel mounting plate with wires on a connector. Mine buzzed but i never had a issue with it, just noise.
I took something similar out (little convertor from Uhaul) of a jeep 4X4 that was towed behind a RV. Not sure what it was though. Im sure someone here has the answer. They will chime in soon. Hold tight.
133.000 aint bad. do the top end and see how she takes it. My 2.9 has had it done twice. Plenum has been off 3 time to clean injectors. Rebuilding injectors are a breeze. I still have the OEM injectors from 87'. I keep clean spares. As long as the coils still fire, its all cleaning and O-ring...
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