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  1. Mike92STX

    4.0 exhaust

    Uncle Gump, I tried that first, I even used an air impact to tighten it because the inlet on the muffler is a little larger than the pipe. When it didn't seem like anything I was trying was working I laid on the ground and moved the whole exhaust system up to the catalytic converter. I tried...
  2. Mike92STX

    4.0 exhaust

    I got my exhaust finished but, I put a turn down tip on it and the exhaust twists, so the tip hits the plastic fender. I thought it was twisting because I wasn't getting the clamps tight enough. I just figured out today that it's the setup behind the catalytic converter with the half donut and...
  3. Mike92STX

    4.0 sohc won’t run sounds like timing is out

    I had the now famous rattle at startup, my sons are better at the major motor work. I bought a remanufactured motor, and they did the swap in a little less than a week. They both have full time jobs so that was doing the work in their spare time. Now I have a new motor and no worries about it as...
  4. Mike92STX

    Leaking around sensors on thermostat housing

    I went to NAPA to get some new sensors, and they say there is supposed to be a different sensor than i have and when I got home, I looked, and the connector is the same on both of mine. I have never changed the connector, but I did buy it used. What is correct connector for a 04 4.0 sohc.
  5. Mike92STX

    Leaking around sensors on thermostat housing

    I have thought of that, I haven't checked them yet. I mentioned that I installed a aluminum housing, I think I got it from Rock auto but I'm not sure. It's not very old because I had a remanufactured motor installed a couple of years ago and I installed the housing then. I'm thinking that it may...
  6. Mike92STX

    Leaking around sensors on thermostat housing

    I have a 2004 with a 4.0 and I just noticed that coolant is leaking from around the sensors on the thermostat housing. It is an aluminum housing, I know that shouldn't make any difference. Is there a way to correct the leaking? I haven't done anything yet, I just noticed it this morning. Any...
  7. Mike92STX

    Was $99.25 to much to renew my 02 ranger tabs ??

    I agree with you 100%, I actually live in Zion only 2 miles south of the state line but 40 miles from Chicago.
  8. Mike92STX

    Was $99.25 to much to renew my 02 ranger tabs ??

    Uncle Gump, you are lucky you live down there, up here on the north end of the state we pay $151.00 a year for regular plate stickers and $40.00 for EA plate.
  9. Mike92STX

    PCV replacement

    I have a K and N copy air filter, so some oil is in the filter. I read some place that said if the PCV is plugged it will cause oil to be in the pipe to the air cleaner. It might have been on a video on You tube, not sure. I saw another video online that the guy recording said he used black...
  10. Mike92STX

    4.0 SOHC FoMoCo Re-Man Any Input? Original 300k engine timing chain noise, time for new engine?

    I'm going to put my 2 cents in here, mine had the timing chain rattle shortly after I purchased it. Actually, it was probably there when I purchased it because when I checked the oil it was over full. I'm lucky I have a couple of sons that are better at this kind of stuff than I am. They told me...
  11. Mike92STX

    PCV replacement

    I have a 2004 4.0 Ranger FX4, I was looking at my air filter and noticed some oil in the tube between the filter and the throttle body. I did a little research and found that the oil in that tube can be caused by the PCV valve being plugged. When I checked the PCV it wasn't even in the hole on...
  12. Mike92STX

    4.0 exhaust

    Thank you for the quick response, I will probably still put an aftermarket muffler on it because like the guys on this post said it will sound better with an open muffler, maybe a cherry bomb if they still make them?
  13. Mike92STX

    4.0 exhaust

    Can someone tell me will I have a problem with my motor not running right if I delete my muffler. The rest of my exhaust is still in pretty good shape. I guy I work with said the motor needs some back presser to run right. It's a 04 with a 4.0. I'm like most of you, I want it to make a little...
  14. Mike92STX

    High Mileage Ranger Owners

    I have 258000 miles on mine, and I did the remanufactured motor. It had the cam chain guide noise, so I was pretty sure I had a broken guide. The reason I decided to get the remanned motor was because my sons told me that if I got the remanned motor, they could do the swap in a weekend. They...
  15. Mike92STX

    Need schooled on da “Flareside” rangers yo!

    I found a bed on marketplace that was noy too far away. It looked like it was in pretty good shape, but the guy had a buyer that was going to pick it up last Thursday and I couldn't make arrangements to get it that soon. On Tuesday I got a picture from my son of what looked like the bed in the...
  16. Mike92STX

    Need schooled on da “Flareside” rangers yo!

    Superj, will you deliver if I get one of those from Texas? I live in the north end of Illinois :) Lefty, yours looks good especially for Minnesota. That's the drawback with these steel beds covered with fiberglass, they look good on the outside and rusting away underneath. I was just looking...
  17. Mike92STX

    Need schooled on da “Flareside” rangers yo!

    My sons took my bed off yesterday and I got the filler hose replaced. That was actually the easy part. My bed bolts were rusted and most of them broke. With the bed off I could see that the bed is mostly rust, the front passenger side was held together by the spray in bed liner, the bolt in that...
  18. Mike92STX

    Need schooled on da “Flareside” rangers yo!

    One of you guys that are going to do all that work to your truck bed, have a flare side bed without the fiberglass sides you want to get rid of? I was going to pull my bed off to replace the rubber fuel line that goes from the fender to the tank, and I noticed my bed is really rusty. Most...
  19. Mike92STX

    Stalled and didn't want to start?

    Success, I replaced the ignition switch and that seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks to franklin2 for telling me twice to replace the ignition switch. Am I the only one that thought most vehicles had the power going through the ignition switch with the key in it that is now on the steering column?
  20. Mike92STX

    Stalled and didn't want to start?

    I'm not sure which switch is the electrical switch. The one under the dash has a plug on it but I inspected it yesterday and I can't see any obvious problems. I replaced it once, but I don't remember what the problem was then. Do those wear out easy because it's only been a couple of years? My...

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